Server Suggestion Warning system to avoid buying anything by mistake.

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Suggestion Title: Warning system to avoid buying anything by mistake.
Suggestion Description: While looking at the items in the market, we may mistakenly press the "e" button and buy something. Once, I accidentally bought a sniper for a lot of money and I couldn't return it. A message system like this can be introduced to solve this problem.

Why should this be added?:
-To avoid burning our pockets by accidentally buying something.

What negatives could this have?:
- There is no negatives to this system; if the player does not want to receive such a warning, he can tick the don't ask option as in the picture below.

What problem would this suggestion solve?: -It will prevent us from accidentally buying something, even if only for a few of us.

Useful Images:
Items >10k having this would be pretty cool, not like it’d be a pain to have to click one extra button, it’d also be nice to have the name of the item in the confirmation so you can ensure it’s the right item
Is it common for this to happen? I've never experienced it even though I buy many things at the Bazaar
Is it common for this to happen? I've never experienced it even though I buy many things at the Bazaar
I’ve very oftenly accidentally bought the wrong item because they’re right next to each other and the pressing E on an item isn’t 100% accurate for whatever reason
Items >10k having this would be pretty cool, not like it’d be a pain to have to click one extra button, it’d also be nice to have the name of the item in the confirmation so you can ensure it’s the right item
Yes I forgot about that, it needs to be there too
It should list item stats before the box menu.

Holographic Sight
Rifle Compensator
Magazine - 30 rounds

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I like @rxsm 's idea of it being based on price, buying stims, lockpics, etc with this system would be super annoying, what prices do people think are high enough to warrant a confirmation request?
5k+ should work, so you dont have to click the confirm button when you buy sniper ammo.
However, many pistols (smaller weapons, often crowded together) will not have the same treatment as SMGs/ARs, and the same may go where there's a custom reticle or attachments I wanna ensure before buying.

Maybe even if the weapon is 5k+, but nude of attachments, it won't get the confirm box treatment - but attachments would trigger the confirm dialogue.
I'd say anything priced >= 10,000 should have the confirmation and anything < 10,000 shouldnt have the confirmation

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