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  1. Mage

    Perpheads montage

    the 1 kill clips when the person is facing their back to you go crazy :shamefullyembarrased:
  2. Mage

    Rule Suggestion (5.3 Raiding)

    The rule is contradicting in a way. Everybody understands it that the raid timer starts when somebody starts lockpicking/whatever initiates it, but the "same property" part specifies that the timer starts after you die instead.
  3. Mage

    Piano MIDI input support

    Follow the instructions here for the .dll file you need then get LoopBe1 and then use a midi player like Aria Maestosa or whatever you can find.
  4. Mage

    Pokimane Feet Compilation

    @Sharkster hold that
  5. Mage

    Kevko's Custom Weapon Skins Showcase

    You have to edit the .vmt file for the texture, the green is because you have a $selfillum flag with $selfillumtint set to "[0 1 0]" and if you want the lines to glow mess around with envmap and color2 flags.
  6. Mage


  7. Mage

    Update Log 18/03/2024 - PLPD 2

    Nerf AS50 fire rate already
  8. Mage

    Update Log 29/01/2024 - Mixed Bag

    bullet casings are way too loud
  9. Mage


  10. Mage

    kill yourself

    kill yourself
  11. Mage

    Weapon Skins

    Selling access $100,000 per month (20+ skins included!)
  12. Mage

    Share Your Computer Setup! v30

  13. Mage

    Using and Creating Custom Skins

    bold to assume that the same people who paid for skins are smart enough to follow 2 instructions
  14. Mage

    Server Suggestion Bobby pin sound

    2018 hit different
  15. Mage

    State of the server

    bend the knee *******
  16. Mage

    not forced resignation

    Take your meds...
  17. Mage

    Steam Replay

  18. Mage

    studying in japan, watching anime with catgirl posters on his wall just like he dreamed of

    studying in japan, watching anime with catgirl posters on his wall just like he dreamed of
  19. Mage

    What gifts did you get for Christmas 2022

    $500 for a limited edition out of stock mousepad from the black market
  20. Mage

    Gaming Addiction

    Easily around 100,000 hours
  21. Mage

    Current thoughts on weaponskins?

    They should be completely banned, along with any other modifications.
  22. Mage


  23. Mage

    What weapons practically need a sight attachment?

    Every gun once you use attachments I can't imagine not using them again, the guns just wobble so much vertically that the default sights obscure what you are shooting at. SCAR might be the only exception
  24. Mage

    Refund Request (Mage)

    Your Steam Name: Mage Your Roleplay Name: Mao Kaisa Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:37831563 Reason for Request: We were raiding R5, the guy from R4 ran out and tried stealing the guns, in this unfortunate turn of events my gun was stolen and then the player dc'd while dead, they got banned! Requested...
  25. Mage

    PERPHeads Christmas Calendar 2022

    Insider trading.
  26. Mage


    I'll see you in projex 4 at 15:51 on January 9th 2023
  27. Mage

    How are Specific People Goated at Shooting?

    Exclusive ASDA Kovaak's routine for only $500,000 5 reps of this a day and you'll be fragging in no time!
  28. Mage

    waiting for you to come back babe...

    waiting for you to come back babe...
  29. Mage

    PERPHeads Christmas Calendar 2022

    WHY YOU REMOVE BOLLI SWEATER? :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: