Search results

  1. Mage

    tickrate issue example

    Cars have always required almost a full mag to disable them and kill eject a person from a normal rifle.
  2. Mage

    Lua Bug Report (HK45 magazine weighs 1kg instead of 0.1kg)

    Type of Bug: Lua Description of the Bug: HK45 magazine weighs 1kg instead of 0.1kg How to reproduce the Bug: Have a HK45 magazine Errors: Should be (likely) 0.1kg instead of 1kg, very big problem when I was trying to use them in a storage chest! Media:
  3. Mage

    Lua Bug Report (If a body would have valid DNA but the player DC'd you cannot get paid)

    Type of Bug: Lua Description of the Bug: If a body would have valid DNA but the player DC's you cannot get paid How to reproduce the Bug: To get paid for removing a body it's required for you to DNA them, however it is impossible to get DNA from a player's body who has disconnected, so you...
  4. Mage

    Weird ping interaction

    Seems to be a server issue since it affects many people regardless of location, ping is just floored to an arbitrary number even if your ping were to be lower than that, unless net_graph ms is wrong. at cl_updaterate 16 it will floor at 92-93ms while at cl_updaterate 66 it is 116-117ms maybe...
  5. Mage

    Weird ping interaction

    For some reason my ping will sit on 92-93ms when I connect which is unreasonably high when the server is on low player count, but if I start a download and then it stops, my ping drops to 31-32ms which seems reasonable, but after a couple of minutes it will shoot back up to 92-93ms again and you...
  6. Mage

    Minor update log - 21/09/2022

    fake news, there's still no cat
  7. Mage

    Model Suggestion Add cat decal better
  8. Mage

    Model Suggestion Add cat decal

    Suggestion Title: Add cat decal Suggestion Description: There is no cat decal for clothing, this is unacceptable. Why should this be added?: Because there's a dog and bear decal but no cat. What negatives could this...
  9. Mage

    get out the car you owe me it [IMG]

    get out the car you owe me it
  10. Mage


  11. Mage

    Thoughts on University?

    yes if you want to play video games all day
  12. Mage

    a true perpheads classic, one for the archives

    a true perpheads classic, one for the archives
  13. Mage


  14. Mage

    you is the because

    you is the because
  15. Mage


  16. Mage

    Server Suggestion Ubereats (food courier job)

    I thought this was already implemented when @Collier delivered 1000 burgers to our org storage
  17. Mage

    Content Bug Report (Random model(s) being an error instead)

    Seems like a 2 part bug from playing the past few days. If I connect and the player count is something like 100+, I almost always get stuck the first time I connect, I can't move with WASD, everybody around me appears frozen on the spot, but I can hear audio/people talking and if I hold Q and...
  18. Mage


  19. Mage

    always loved playing as cop

    always loved playing as cop
  20. Mage

    Content Bug Report (Random model(s) being an error instead)

    Type of Bug: Content Description of the Bug: Random model(s) being an error instead How to reproduce the Bug: Just connecting to the server, nothing on my end being done. Time Stamp: Past week or so Errors: Extremely random, sometimes it's a bench, a weapon part, a piece of clothing, a lamp...
  21. Mage

    We haven't had an update in a little while which is unusal

    bro new player models gonna look sick trust... xq is streaming it and its almost done...
  22. Mage

    my sincere apology for farming xp from you I hope you are able to forgive me

    my sincere apology for farming xp from you I hope you are able to forgive me
  23. Mage

    Server features you (don't) miss

    Don't miss: Creepis admin
  24. Mage

    League Of Legends (LOL)

    I'm a Yuumi main, she's just so fun xD!
  25. Mage

    Map ideas needed

    Delete slums and projex
  26. Mage


    damn bro you owe me like 1 mil and you just out here handing out money like its charity
  27. Mage

    Future Development Projects (Poll)

    change my vote but add the clothing that is in the content packs which isn't available to buy! :mad: :mad: :mad:
  28. Mage

    march builds :)

    how about you touch grass and build something irl
  29. Mage

    would you let her crush your head

    yeah im down bad