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  1. Mage

    "Storm area 51, they can't stop us all!"

    I dont know what you mean? What's a [REDACTED]? Never heard of it.
  2. Mage

    "Storm area 51, they can't stop us all!"

    You know there's plenty of people that will seriously turn up and attempt this stupid shit, at least a thousand or two odd people are taking this seriously. Hope they find the chemicals that are making the frogs gay.
  3. Mage

    His hairline is further back than you are in school.

    His hairline is further back than you are in school.
  4. Mage


    lol just overclock your brain lol
  5. Mage

    Unbinded f2 now I cant close shops

    bind f2 gm_showteam
  6. Mage

    Ford transit has no fuel cap

    top 10 questions science still can't answer
  7. Mage


    fake video, bolli isn't in noclip for once
  8. Mage

    Little brother wants a computer...

    with £400 don't bother getting a graphics card dump everything into a good Ryzen APU + fast ddr4 ram and you'll be set for almost any games that he should be playing
  9. Mage

    Patreon Subscribers ONLY!!

    didn't know you could sing so well
  10. Mage

    Rip derek

    Rip derek
  11. Mage

    holy shit actually good

    holy shit actually good
  12. Mage

    sorry carrot [IMG]

    sorry carrot
  13. Mage

    The general thread

    As we are on the PERPHeads™ forums I must kindly inform all users to follow the rules. Disclaimer: Any posts in this thread do not condone the actions of those in the shoutbox yesterday.
  14. Mage


    rookie mistakes dom... rookie mistakes...
  15. Mage

    because its outdated, although coincidentally after some years the orange makes sense...

    because its outdated, although coincidentally after some years the orange makes sense...
  16. Mage

    Should we switch from Teamspeak to Discord?

    stupid swedistan kid thinks he knows better than the 2 time back to back metagaming champion
  17. Mage

    Should we switch from Teamspeak to Discord?

    Sure but what if people actually wanna @ people to get their attention just like you can currently in the shoutbox without beinga annoying. There's no real compromise here, and that's what I mean. Discord sucks when your community is full of autists that can't be trusted and the very few that...
  18. Mage

    Should we switch from Teamspeak to Discord?

    no thanks, don't want a bunch of retards spamming people with @s constantly
  19. Mage

    Should we switch from Teamspeak to Discord?

    If it aint broke don't fix it. Changing to discord will mean either the "general" text chat in the discord server becomes meaningless because people will just talk in the shoutbox on the forums, or the shoutbox will become useless because everyone will be talking on discord. Teamspeak is fast...
  20. Mage

    Where you see yourself in 10 years

    Probably working a 9-5 job in some computing field thinking about all the productive stuff I could've done 10 years ago rather than play this for 4000+ hours. Oh well
  21. Mage

    Crazy shit that happened at your school

    All the posh boys be acting all surprised at typical school stuff smh. Had stuff like bomb threats from hijacked emails last year meaning we had to stand in the snow for almost an hour until it was confirmed a "hoax". Kids jumping into train tracks, one time some kid tried to save his bike...
  22. Mage

    Work laptop

    linus is always good at reviewing stuff, go check what looks good in this for u
  23. Mage

    Should some cheaters get a second chance?

    But why should you be given another chance. We don't know how long you really cheated for vs how long you say you actually cheated for, or how you actually used those cheats as you can quite easily just lie about that since there is no evidence. You clearly didn't give a shit, you had plenty of...
  24. Mage

    Should some cheaters get a second chance?

    I'm all for second chances for most reasons. But when you cheat it's never really justifiable, there's so many points where you know exactly what you are doing and what the punishment is, you buy the cheat, you download it, you start the game, you connect, if by then you still haven't changed...
  25. Mage

    AR Jer

    @Moon He didn't break the rules, this is quite obvious if you stop being salty, and it was also confirmed by McGlinchy. I was literally online the whole morning and involved in each of these situations so I don't see why you're complaining :(
  26. Mage

    AR Jer

    Sounds like an ignorance problem then if you don't bother reading the justification as you clearly care too much about trying to get jericho punished.
  27. Mage

    AR Jer

    It's quite sad to see that you resorted to making an AR when one moment you complain about the "lack of competition" yet the moment we hopped on the server and you started taking Ls you started crying. That aside, I don't know what you expect, you pulled up to subs storage and the 2 of you were...
  28. Mage

    helloooooooooo [IMG]

  29. Mage

    OrAnGe mAn BaD!

    ?? Making money is so easy right now it's a complete joke. You can literally do multiple things at once to get you money, grow/meth/fish/coke where 2 can be done at the same time and you yield way more stuff that you used to never mind the fact that you are making money from 2 sources. In all...
  30. Mage

    Pug's Re-Introduction

    World first, congrats.