OrAnGe mAn BaD!

Speaking from a police side of things: When it comes to certain situations I'm 50/50 on the outcome. Like hostages situations at the current time end in a shootout either because power hungry cops want to Rambo or the crims inside run out of patience. I've never been in an org so I do know much in terms of that sort of stuff, but looking at previous orgs it was much different story, people actually had wars, beef, meeting etc in-game and dealt with it in-game. No-one would complain about getting killed or losing guns since it was dealt with in-game. Now, most orgs are just memes and have no real purpose.
In response to your thing about the state of crime rp and what can be done: Add some different jobs that aren't illegal, but more legal as at the current moment there are not many choices to pick from i.e. Being a government worker etc. People also need to think of things they can set up like restaurants and other events that are done by players in-game.
@Moon you can summarize that entire text in one sentence: "husky was nice and asked me lol", gonna have to agree with Kenty here
absolute joke of a situation, was essentially forced as the negotiating officer into potentially getting hostages killed when we could just play the slow game and easily preserve the lives of each because "policy" WHICH MAY I ADD WASN'T EVEN A POLICY, it was based on a guideline which needs to be interpreted on a case-by-case basis, we only got extremely lucky that the 2nd hostage was fake, but the entire time i was being pressured into making offensive moves and risking lives because apparently free passage isn't a reasonable agreement

theres a reason that exemption is allowed in certain cases, and the fact that some high-ranking officers are completely unable to consider such exemptions really blows my mind
@Moon I mean I don't want to get involved... but part of the problem was just highlighted here, he asked you, via steam, not ingame? Why bypass any RP that could have happened
if the owners just stop fucking around with the weed system as they fucked it up bad already AND now the fishing system then ill be atleast a litle happy, now makinging money is pure shit.
?? Making money is so easy right now it's a complete joke. You can literally do multiple things at once to get you money, grow/meth/fish/coke where 2 can be done at the same time and you yield way more stuff that you used to never mind the fact that you are making money from 2 sources. In all honesty drugs should be nerfed but costs of guns should also be decreased so that those who don't intent to sit all day to grow for guns aren't necessarily at a massive disadvantage and it helps those who go on duty to get money but want to raid as civilian, so... win/win/win?
Making money has never been easier, you can easily make a couple mil a week without stressing or putting in an insane amount of numbers. I made 10mil by being a no life in around 7-10 days, I prefer the old system
I made almost 4 million in 2 weeks just playing casually but putting money making as a main prority. It was so easy it boggles me how players can complain about money being hard to get im literally a autistic monkey and i found it easy
they nerfed it all but still its too op imo
meth + coke is still like 125k an hour? don't know exact numbers
Ok, time for a more serious post regarding this topic.

The thing is about roleplay games is quite often, in order to work as intended, people have to assume there role a bit more seriously than people on PERP do, as well as choosing a valid role and sticking to it for quite a bit.

Unfortunately, in PERP, there's only 2 things people want to be, cop or criminal. Why? Because police is probably the most action packed and hands on role on the server, whilst criminal is easily the most profitable. Lets stop trying to find any and every reason to shoot someone and start having fun doing something that isn't killing and attacking people. Nothing wrong with PVP, it's just that seems to be the real reason anyone comes onto perp nowadays.

If we had more rewarding professions besides cop, drug dealer, or fisherman, roleplay would flourish, but in reality, those are probably the most viable way to make cash. I've probably tried every single roleplay profession humanly possible on the server, and I can tell you that out of literally everything I've done on the server, I always go back to being cop and being a criminal because those are the only viable options for making money besides selling VIP.

We can't just pin the blame on Orange people or cops and maybe we should all look at ourselves and how we play this game and contribute to "improving roleplay". Fuck, roleplay as anything you want, be it a drug addict, Salesman, landlord, guard, hooker, builder, literally anything, and stick to that role for a day or two and maybe roleplay will happen more. Maybe if some of us took a break from crime or cop grinding then maybe we'll see a difference in how the server is.

Another key problem is the report function seems to be some peoples favourite weapon, and people are so hellbent on "winning" this game that they're forgetting what we all came here to do in the first place, which was pretending to be someone we aren't for fun. Take up a temporary in game profession, hell, maybe even parody the profession you've chosen, because that's fun as fuck.

And for words of improvement on criminal RP? I dunno, I guess criminals could focus more on killing and robbing each other rather than robbing people taking up legal professions. I mean sure, It happens and sometimes I understand robbing a bazaar shop owner can score some mad prizes, but keep it as something that's unlikely to happen to them so they actually gain profits and motivation to carry on. And by robbing other criminals, you're robbing people as morally reprehensible as you, maybe more so even. I'm not saying you can't rob legitimate businesses, but at least make it so your actions don't completely ruin there business. If legitimate business people get robbed too much it'll deter them from doing anything other than power growing or working a city / government job.

Oh, and if we keep punishing people for things like killing opposing criminals and wrecking a stolen car unintentionally through wreckless actions then we might as well just remove the crowbar entirely.

I don't know what else to say really.
I'm fine with being raided only thing that is annoying is when u start out your being put at a massive disadvantage when it comes to gunplay which makes winning raids pretty hard to win at first