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  1. 2766


    What is this corporate pop ahhh music
  2. 2766

    PERPHeads Community Awards 2024 - Vote

    WOW! So happy PERPheads community is an open democracy. TODAY I VOTED even though I am currently locked up! #FREETHEVOTE #VOTE @Max
  3. 2766

    How do you feel about bollards.

    I don’t agree with your opinion that this is how it would go down most of the time. Sure that can be roleplay. Pretty big interference to what they were doing before that because you decided to evade the police on a parking lot. We simply don’t agree it seems and I’m not bothered enough about...
  4. 2766

    How do you feel about bollards.

    I understand the reasoning behind the first point but it also just conjecture. Maybe if the bollards were removed in these areas any new player would try driving here? I mean whats to stop them? To your point that accidents already happen in reckless driving cases I'll say that it really is...
  5. 2766

    How do you feel about bollards.

    I think the issue is that these pathways are blocked for the obvious reason that they commonly see a lot of foot traffic. If you removed the bollards you would see a lot of people die to someone in a police chase trying to "creatively evade". At the end of the day I think the negative effect on...
  6. 2766

    Rule Changes - 15/11/2024

    Serious questions to crosshair users. Do crosshairs really help that much on PERP? I never found myself hipfiring so I dont really understand when it would be that impactful?
  7. 2766

    How do you feel about bollards.

    Honestly I doubt simply removing some bollards would make chases better. The fact is that the map is pretty small and it is always gonna be pretty easy for the PD to direct you in to a dead end.
  8. 2766

    Rule Changes - 15/11/2024

    Hmmmmm what about changing your gun animations? :bag::bag::troll:
  9. 2766

    Who was/is KillSlick?

    Yes :)
  10. 2766

    Do you consider 'Sweaters' to be people?

    Bro they are funny animals
  11. 2766

    regals base buldings

    Regals is quite hard to raid if there is a lot of cops on because you are very exposed before you actually get in to the apartments. I suggest wallbanging the doors and or the walls close to the doors when you hear the crowbar sound. Try to keep the raiders out on the balcony or on the stairwell...
  12. 2766

    Most insane clip ever

    6pek ahhhhh play
  13. 2766

    Most insane clip ever

    @Max has so many pd wipe clips he could start an OnlyCrims
  14. 2766

    Thank you always

    Thank you always
  15. 2766

    What is the best legal job that you earn the most money (no police job)

    Courier can pay quite well when sales taxes are low. I suggest advertising you’re on duty and that you know your way around the city to further convince people to order. Prioritize orders made by actual players and after getting to know the city choose packages with similar locations for...
  16. 2766

    Post your favourite song at the moment and I’ll gatekeep it like a narcissistic douche

    Homesick my favourite right now, on repeat. Le Freak is my favorite this year, Bernard Edwards is my goat.
  17. 2766

    its a new update?

    its a new update?
  18. 2766

    what it mean?

    what it mean?
  19. 2766

    What do you enjoy on perp?

    Arresting people who walk across main intersection :cat::cat::cat:
  20. 2766

    Csgo Or valorant

    CS always brotha
  21. 2766

    Ban Apology (Admin Meeting)

    Punishment Type: Ban Punishment Subtype: Server Ban Appeal Type: Apology Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Dank How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent Your Steam Name: 2766 Your Roleplay Name: Omar Smiff Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:35074350 Why were you punished...
  22. 2766


    Thorgal on top
  23. 2766

    How much have you won or lost at the casino?

    I is in the red
  24. 2766

    this guy helped me grow my first weed :cat: deserved helper :D

    this guy helped me grow my first weed :cat: deserved helper :D
  25. 2766

    Time flies brother…

    Time flies brother…
  26. 2766

    Rule Changes and 3.4 poll - 28/07/2024

  27. 2766

    Rule Changes - 13/06/2024

    I know homeless fell to his knees when he read this shit…
  28. 2766

    Ban Apology (Dank)

    Punishment Type: Ban Punishment Subtype: Server Ban Appeal Type: Apology Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Dank How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent Your Steam Name: 2766 Your Roleplay Name: Omar Smiff Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:35074350 Why were you punished...
  29. 2766

    Happy birthday

    Happy birthday
  30. 2766

    Please give a sign of life... please PLEASE.....

    Please give a sign of life... please PLEASE.....