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  1. Ezza

    mechanics please help!!

    Silly sausage, you might need the actuator to actuate for some spooly bois
  2. Ezza

    Police Suggestion More weapons for police officer

    Also to add, RTFO was recently launched, further making it much easier for lower ranked officers to gain access to better weapons for set circumstances. I really fail to see any benefit to this other than to bypass ranking up, please correct me if I'm wrong here?
  3. Ezza

    Police Suggestion More weapons for police officer

    Open a Helpdesk ticket to your respective department and state your concerns and issues with obtaining OR's, giving Officers the benefits of ranking up wont solve anything at all.
  4. Ezza

    Server Suggestion Two Player Emotes

    Sorry use /me for now
  5. Ezza

    Server Suggestion VW transporter

    I may look into getting more vehicles in the future, but for now, this wont be happening, sorry.
  6. Ezza

    Server Suggestion Damage players in seats

    There are no plans for this right now, but who knows what the future holds :meh:
  7. Ezza

    Server Suggestion Veikko’s Expansion

    Current handling for vehicles will be revisited at some point, but we would not be looking to add anything to the complexity of this, simply its overkill.
  8. Ezza

    Server Suggestion vehicle turning radius controls

    This would involve way to much work for what its trying to achieve.
  9. Ezza

    Server Suggestion V6 Suggestion Player Statistics Website

    Your comment of the only leaderboard being in Bazaar is false, there is org leaderboards, which include Overall, Crime, Items Sold etc.
  10. Ezza

    Server Suggestion More Stuff For Vehicles

    Simply not possible with how vehicles are setup inside the models, wheels are attached to each vehicle model and not interchangeable as such, sadly.
  11. Ezza

    Server Suggestion New DD Job : Drugs Smuggler

    Lack of upvotes.
  12. Ezza

    Server Suggestion Make cars penetratable

    Simply not feasible.
  13. Ezza

    Server Suggestion Buyable stocks

  14. Ezza

    Server Suggestion Meth Buff

    Lack of upvotes showing community interest.
  15. Ezza

    Server Suggestion Mugging Profits

    Lack of upvotes showing community interest.
  16. Ezza

    Server Suggestion Drug Quality

    Lack of upvotes showing community interest.
  17. Ezza

    Server Suggestion Craftable light armor for crims.

    Lack of upvotes showing community interest.
  18. Ezza

    Server Suggestion Org Salaries

    Lack of upvotes showing community interest.
  19. Ezza

    Server Suggestion Remove fireaxe damage

    Lack of upvotes showing community interest.
  20. Ezza

    Model Suggestion Slippers

  21. Ezza

    Model Suggestion Tinting windows and more car customizing!

    After investing an eye watering amount of time into how vehicles work in source, I discovered anything remotely close to this would take a unreal amount of time for such a small feature. The con's outweigh the pro's
  22. Ezza


    If its on the workshop you could decomplile it that way
  23. Ezza


    CS, Possibly outdated? maybe not - Reddit Tutorial : CS R6 - Skins are baked to models, cant find a tutorial, not worth hunting for.