Server Suggestion Damage players in seats

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Suggestion Title: Damage players in seats
Suggestion Description: The ability to damage other players while they are seated.

Why should this be added?:
-If someone is seated and does not comply to gunpoint you can use lethal force

What negatives could this have?:
- scripting takes time

What problem would this suggestion solve?: Can't damage players while they are sitting.
you bring a good point cripis but the forcing off the chair is a bit too OP in my opinion. i think its better just to make a ticket saying “force ziptie” or “force take him off a chair please”. and regarding the afk warranted players, you can handcuff them while on chairs and drag them off now, so thats not an issue anymore
I believe also force taking somebody off can affect people who sit on pd chairs, bazzar etc. which can result minges abusing it
I have no stats and this is solely my guess

More people break 3.4 than RDM

Therefore the solution is to let people who are sat on chairs.

If someone wants to RDM they will, no matter if you are sat down or not. 3.4 all depends on situation and ability.

F6s for ziptie request & drag off chair are slow and get lost in all the other reports
F6s for ziptie request & drag off chair are slow and get lost in all the other reports
just make it so zipties also work when seated and they haven't answered the dialog box for a certain amount of time?
just make it so zipties also works when seated and they haven't answered the dialog box for a certain amount of time?
that's going to be so stupid people sitting in pd it's going to result in other problems
iirc it's already a thing where you can ziptie people automatically if they don't respond to the dialog for a given time period. I haven't seen this being abused, there's also great logs if it would happen, it would be easy to see if it's a rulebreak or not!
iirc it's already a thing where you can ziptie people automatically if they don't respond to the dialog for a given time period. I haven't seen this being abused, there's also great logs if it would happen, it would be easy to see if it's a rulebreak or not!
automatically with no staff?
people will just steal stuff off people who are not there like people in pd?
Your reasoning is dumb.

This is like saying we shouldn’t have guns as people will RDM.

Punishments are harsh on this server for a reason, if I was to abuse this as an experienced player I would probably get a months ban at least.
Your reasoning is dumb.

This is like saying we shouldn’t have guns as people will RDM.

Punishments are harsh on this server for a reason, if I was to abuse this as an experienced player I would probably get a months ban at least.
In both scenarios it comes to a problem either force ziptie or not having ability to kill seated players so you can't do much on both it's optional in my opinion on what feature should be kept or added
it's a serious rp server
I love the server but the fact its called ''Serious RP'' is the biggest joke in Gmod. Less than 15% of the player base actually does any RP let alone any serious RP.

For the sake of the Admins I give this a downvote. I am not so much against the idea itself but the fact that you can get RDM'd and then have to wait even longer for Admins to respond I think will cause problems.
just make it so you cant ziptie people on stationary chairs such as pd lobby ones or inside pd, city hall etc. but sofas or chairs placed by players in their base or anywhere, the time period to be in affect
and you can report them for breaking 3.4 or playing unrealistically

getting rdm is more common. it should stay as it is
i mean i personaly believe that staff members dont want 50 reports to flood with the message of “i got rdm!! i want my gun back!!!” whenever a sweater decides to hold left click with an ak 101. i understand the fact that oh, they might be breaking 3.4 but you might as well report them for that and everything eill be solved. its just simpler to report 1 person for breaking 3.4 other than risking so many people to get killed for no reason
What is this amazingly constructed lie around MRDM as if it's a daily occurrence. And even if it is, which I highly doubt it is, we have over 50+ active staff members prepared to deal with it AND on top of that the server populace immediately sides together any time there is a hacker or mrdmer terrorizing the server when no staff on. You can tell the arguments put against this suggestion are Desperate, Weak and Uninformed on the way this will actually affect the gamemode. The highscore MRDM I witnessed personally in my 2 years of perp was about 6 kills and the people viewably sitting were like 2. Thats a 8 person killcount, only 2 more if this is added. Multiplying that by fucking 5 to prove a point is dishonest. Furthermore, Justifying invincibility sitting by saying its a counter to every single RDM case ever to make it seem like a more enduring issue is dishonest.

who would've thunken bazaar campers who have 2.6 shootouts per year would be against this idea? :penguin:

For every RDM that involves a chair, you have a lot more 3.4 breaks where people didn't get out of their car or seat fast enough due to the quantity of shootouts that occur on PERP hourly Every. Single. Day.
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What is this amazingly constructed lie around MRDM as if it's a daily occurrence. And even if it is, which I highly doubt it is, we have over 50+ active staff members prepared to deal with it AND on top of that the server populace immediately sides together any time there is a hacker or mrdmer terrorizing the server when no staff on. You can tell the arguments put against this suggestion are Desperate, Weak and Uninformed on the way this will actually affect the gamemode. The highscore MRDM I witnessed personally in my 2 years of perp was about 6 kills and the people viewably sitting were like 2. Thats a 8 person killcount, only 2 more if this is added. Multiplying that by fucking 5 to prove a point is dishonest. Furthermore, Justifying invincibility sitting by saying its a counter to every single RDM case ever to make it seem like a more enduring issue is dishonest.

who would've thunken bazaar campers who have 2.6 shootouts per year would be against this idea? :penguin:

For every RDM that involves a chair, you have a lot more 3.4 breaks where people didn't get out of their car or seat fast enough due to the quantity of shootouts that occur on PERP hourly Every. Single. Day.
tl:dr? i dont understand why this turned into bazaar vs crim argument

if someone breaks 3.4 and/or plays unrealistic with a chair just report them.
how does this validate a change that might negatively affect ppl
Used to be able to remove people from chairs via battering ram, but it catapaulted them into the sky for no reason. Having a way to get people off of chairs or kill people sitting down is great.
and you can report them for breaking 3.4 or playing unrealistically
Sometimes staff arent actively available at all times and enforcing this on the spot, as well as having to report it in some situations is greatly inconvenient.
tl:dr? i dont understand why this turned into bazaar vs crim argument
A TL: DR would leave out crucial information that my points are founded upon. I won’t write one for you, I expect you to have the attention span to read 1 paragraph, you got this.

As for the “bazaar vs crim” victim play. This isn’t about targeting bazaar mains. I am not here to bash anyone’s play style. I’m pointing out the extreme bias behind your perspective and how your statement is undeniably ignorant yet still even in the post I’m replying to.

Crims, cops, SS and Civilians all engage in violent rp. The peaceful life of waking up at 9 am , pressing F1 and watching Netflix until 5 pm doesn’t qualify somebody to blindly and baselessly claim that the negatives here outweigh the positives as clearly they have the least objective understanding on the matter due to their passive play style.
if someone breaks 3.4 and/or plays unrealistic with a chair just report them.
how does this validate a change that might negatively affect ppl
I can say the same about when someone once in a blue moon decides to mrdm bazaar. If anything, this argument is in my favor as chair abuse or shootouts involving car disabling are FAR more common than the aforementioned bazaar slaughters.
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