Search results

  1. Tyla Jai

    best cherry mx silent red keyboard

    Have you not met Alex before
  2. Tyla Jai

    best cherry mx silent red keyboard

    @Creepis I’m looking at NZXT Function - they are hotswappable and actually come with the linear red keys which I believe are really quiet? A lot cheaper and fullsize only downside I can see is you need to use their software for the RGB but I already use this due to the NZXT CPU Cooler I have...
  3. Tyla Jai

    best cherry mx silent red keyboard

    Thanks mate looking into it
  4. Tyla Jai

    best cherry mx silent red keyboard

    anyone tried this CHERRY G80-3000N RGB, Mechanical Gaming Keyboard with RGB Illumination, British Layout (QWERTY), Original MX Silent RED Switches, Wired, Black
  5. Tyla Jai

    best cherry mx silent red keyboard

    I can't find anything on the key caps, what are they? Are they loud?
  6. Tyla Jai

    best cherry mx silent red keyboard

    discuss i need a keyboard that i like but wont drive the missus crazy with the clicky noise. thanks
  7. Tyla Jai

    Update Log 29/01/2024 - Mixed Bag

    Exploiting bugs Just a polite notice for players reading this update log that any attempt to exploit this update to farm experience in a dishonourable way e.g. by the means of a bug or game mechanic which you have found a serious flaw in then this may lead to a punishment. Staff have been...
  8. Tyla Jai

    Vault Corporation

    Organisation Update Rebrand, New Domain and New Website Functionality Hello, the last week I have been working on a new update for the organisation. This update introduces new functionality to our organisation and website. New Functions A number of new services have been added, see below...
  9. Tyla Jai

    Map Suggestion Bring back McUwes ghost

    don't forget it was fucking annoying when you're trying to grow in that little bathroom
  10. Tyla Jai

    Ban Dispute (Tyla Jai)

    Okie dokie I will unban you, please do not continue or you will be banned on the server again. Please keep religion to yourself and do not share on our community platforms if you cannot do so without causing upset or issues with other people
  11. Tyla Jai

    Ban Dispute (Tyla Jai)

    Do you say similar stuff on the server too? Or do you just say it on discord
  12. Tyla Jai

    Ban Dispute (Tyla Jai)

    I just said I changed your ban, so I do not believe you were being discriminatory. I just changed it to causing problems.
  13. Tyla Jai

    Ban Dispute (Tyla Jai)

    Hi there, as I am not Muslim and not familiar with the language you were using I had to google what you were saying. The first result said kafir is a racist term but that's actually referring to kaffir which is slightly different, therefore I have changed your ban to 1.4 Causing Problems. I hope...
  14. Tyla Jai

    Vault Corporation

    Web Maintenance Vault of Memes is completely unavailable throughout this If you hadn't caught our updates in-game or on discord, the website is undergoing changes for a new rebrand. We have made serious progress already and expect work to finish in less than a week. Already implemented are...
  15. Tyla Jai

    Roast me!

    This will not end well..
  16. Tyla Jai

    Community Suggestion Employment Job Ranks / Roadcrew

    @Dave will kindly be doing this
  17. Tyla Jai

    YouTube is slowing down its performance if you use AdBlock

    rare non-shit reply from benji
  18. Tyla Jai

    Server Ban Apology (Ezza)

    Thanks for your explanation, it will reach Ezza however by your own admission
  19. Tyla Jai

    Server Ban Apology (Community Management)

    Good afternoon You were banned for the following comments, please provide justification for this, as you haven't done so in your appeal. Onurr'. Onur Yilmaz STEAM_0:0:583874971 [LOOC] i want to speak 6 Jan 2024 14:39:48 Onurr'. Onur Yilmaz STEAM_0:0:583874971 [LOOC] give me your discord 6...
  20. Tyla Jai

    Blacklist Apology (Pug)

    Hi there Please register a forums account and re-create your appeal - this has been incorrectly posted from Fredy's account due to a bug that I have just resolved. Edit: I have unbanned you anyway.. Thanks Tyla
  21. Tyla Jai

    Community Spotlight - December 2023

    Player Showcase Recognising Players for Roleplay, Creativity or Helpfulness The player showcase portion of the Community Spotlight is designed to showcase players that have been noticed by Community Management for good roleplay, creativity or helpfulness. Any players that are featured in this...
  22. Tyla Jai

    Firework Shows - New Year Celebrations

    New Year Celebrations An announcement for new years firework shows It's the end of 2023 and naturally we will be hosting a brand new firework show to celebrate the occasion. This will be hosted at Midnight GMT+0 however there will be a number of shows in addition to the main event in-case you...
  23. Tyla Jai

    Helper Applications - Template & Requirements

    Application Template You must use the template in your application STEAM NAME: ROLEPLAY NAME: STEAM ID: AGE: WHY DO YOU WANT TO BE A HELPER?: DO YOU HAVE ANYTHING ELSE TO SAY?: Role Requirements Your application will be rejected if you do not meet these requirements Your total time...
  24. Tyla Jai

    Enforcer Applications - Template & Requirements

    Application Template You must use the template in your application STEAM NAME: ROLEPLAY NAME: STEAM ID: AGE: WHY DO YOU WANT TO BE AN ENFORCER?: DO YOU HAVE ANYTHING ELSE TO SAY?: Role Requirements Your application will be rejected if you do not meet these requirements Your total time...
  25. Tyla Jai

    Sum up your PH carreer with a video

    Take your pick
  26. Tyla Jai

    Community Suggestion community voting

    Could you please help me with a list of decisions you feel the community should have a vote on? We often make decisions within our team as each of us have been community members for up to 10 years each and it's significantly easier to have a constructive conversation amongst a smaller group, we...
  27. Tyla Jai

    Server Suggestion Driving license

    Denied a million times before, community has spoken
  28. Tyla Jai

    What CPU do you have , how much FPS do you get

    i9 10900k doesn't rlly go below 60fps
  29. Tyla Jai

    Steam Year in Review
