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  1. Jack P

    Return of Jack Montage

    The title is more of a joke ngl, I'm a horrible shooter and raider, but I thought it would be funny to post and also for myself to HOPEFULLY record improvements.. I've had a hard time adjusting to recoil and how weapons work here, and I have what @JRW would call the ALT+F4 Aim. So this video...
  2. Jack P

    Fuck you, you little bitch.

    Fuck you, you little bitch.
  3. Jack P

    After 4 years, I'm finally back!!

    After 4 years, I'm finally back!!
  4. Jack P

    Ban lengths

    @Tetra cus you're braindead
  5. Jack P

    Ban lengths

    @Knoxy82 Sounds fun
  6. Jack P

    Ban lengths

    Still not going for enforcer but, nice you can see when people are sheeping respect or that.
  7. Jack P

    Ban lengths

    @Tetra Drink bleach
  8. Jack P

    Ban lengths

    @Knoxy82 Soz bout that then, that's 100% my mistake that there.
  9. Jack P

    Ban lengths

    And you're the guy who got no clue what abused means. Maybe find out why I got demoted and what I did before I got demoted thank you for slander :). OH yeah km more known than you are and ever will be dipshit
  10. Jack P

    Ban lengths

    Don't be a retarded sheep, that's not enforcer material either
  11. Jack P


  12. Jack P

    Ofc just give me a sec

    Ofc just give me a sec
  13. Jack P

    Refund Request - Jack P

    Your in-game name: Jack Alex-Peterson Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:74363381 What do you need refunded: AK-101 with a stock and a full magazine, 12 Pots and 12 Coke Seeds. Why do you want your item(s) refunded: I was raided and died in the raid, but my friend shot the raider(s). After cops had arrived...
  14. Jack P

    Implement CPR System

    @ShadowJoey Did a 8 hour CPR Course some years ago, I remember hardly anything but how to do it.
  15. Jack P

    Implement CPR System

    This could be a quite good way to do it aswell yeah, definitely.
  16. Jack P

    Implement CPR System

    Well as told, it could be considered 3.4 by cpr in an active shootout, or combat reviving rule.
  17. Jack P

    Implement CPR System

    That could be possible too, but you actually can revive someone with CPR. If it's a normal heart attack or if someone was drowning, and there's still a chance, that's why you could put the chances to 25-30 or less.
  18. Jack P

    Implement CPR System

    @CensoredExe Well, I'd assume it would be put under combat reviving if you give someone CPR in an active gunfight, which could be put under the rules persay 3.4
  19. Jack P

    Implement CPR System

    Could make it like irl, so if you manage which the chances could be 30% of a chance or 25% chance of reviving someone, and IF they get revived they STILL need medical assistance also to make sure their okay etc, or stunned as you say.
  20. Jack P

    Implement CPR System

    You could also make it, so it's only possible if no medics are on. And as told, it would not work everytime, only sometimes aswell.
  21. Jack P

    Implement CPR System

    Poll Added
  22. Jack P

    Implement CPR System

    I always forget that you need polls now lol
  23. Jack P

    Implement CPR System

    Description of the idea: Make it possible for everyone, to be possible to perform CPR. Basically giving people 30-60 seconds maybe even 90 seconds to perform CPR on a dead person or so. Sometimes there is not medics, and this would be possible for officers, and civilians and others who isn't...
  24. Jack P

    Warg / Dick Bobson

    @Collier Absolutely.
  25. Jack P

    Warg / Dick Bobson

    Should hear the songs he's made himself
  26. Jack P

    Warg / Dick Bobson

    Yeah he did that yesterday too, making a full out concert.
  27. Jack P


  28. Jack P

    Tillykke med fødselsdagen :)

    Tillykke med fødselsdagen :)
  29. Jack P

    RR for Rifle and Shotgun - Jack P

    Your in-game name: Jack Alex-Peterson Steam ID: What do you need refunded: A couple of kids continued to molotov my car and carbomb it without any reason, they had done it at Slums once and I shot them and killed them for it. They came back and did it once, and was told they would get banned...
  30. Jack P

    Perpheads | Most Talented Person/Singer

    Conyo already gave him a bunch of money for that singing xD