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  1. Jack P

    Idk your profile lol

    Idk your profile lol
  2. Jack P

    No? Might have accidentally if you changed name as I cleaned my friendlist

    No? Might have accidentally if you changed name as I cleaned my friendlist
  3. Jack P

    Remove Mic Requirement

    Although you're not doing staff sits, and it's not like you have some global voice chat as a Helper from people from distance etc.
  4. Jack P

    Remove Mic Requirement

    He's unable to use a mic when he's mute irl though, that is literally the only exception. They can require him to get a mic if he can't even use it anyways dadoi. Zharkan is a great guy and would do wonders as a Helper, even without mic, it's a weird asf rule if you're a fast typer and able to...
  5. Jack P

    Steam Disk Write Error

    @Generic Twat I didn't really see any damage from it, or realise it just worked after I ran it. And if it's cause of restart then it's just weird cause I had restarted like 5 times prior to that, which didn't work. But I might've just missed it..
  6. Jack P

    Steam Disk Write Error

    @Generic Twat I for damn sure hope they're not dying..
  7. Jack P

    Steam Disk Write Error

    Why's that?
  8. Jack P

    Steam Disk Write Error

    I downloaded a program to make a diagnostics with the drivers and that found nothing.
  9. Jack P

    Steam Disk Write Error

    I didn't know that's what you meant ;-; didn't even know that it was a thing ;-;
  10. Jack P

    Steam Disk Write Error

    I made a chkdsk /r and chkdsk /f with guidance from Creepis, and it worked. I reinstalled the game and switched drivers several times. It only worked first time switching drivers.
  11. Jack P

    Steam Disk Write Error

    Btw this has been solved, my Hard Drivers was apparently broken or something wrong with, @Creepis Helped me fix this cause he's a legend.
  12. Jack P

    Steam Disk Write Error

    @Jay_ Fight me right here, RIGHT NOW!
  13. Jack P

    Steam Disk Write Error

    @Jay_ Wow xD
  14. Jack P

    Steam Disk Write Error

  15. Jack P


  16. Jack P

    Steam Disk Write Error

    I've made a failure diagnostics or whatever you call it, on both my hard drives, and it found nothing.
  17. Jack P

    Steam Disk Write Error
  18. Jack P

    Steam Disk Write Error

    Hello Guys! So, for the second time, I'm experiencing my gmod removing the file "hl2.exe" once again so I can't open up the game. When I try to verify game files, it says I'm missing a few files and it will fix it however. When it does, it says "File Disk Write Error", I have no clue how to fix...
  19. Jack P


  20. Jack P

    Jack's Ban Apology - @Flugs and @Inchs

    Appealing for: Ban Appeal type: Apology Which staff member banned you: @Inchs banned for @flugs How long were you banned for: 1 Month Your Steam Name: Jack Peterson Your In-game Name: Jack Alex-Peterson Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:74363381 Why were you banned/blacklisted: 1.1, 2.5, 3.20 - User...
  21. Jack P

    Should this be deemed unrealistic?

    Here though
  22. Jack P

    Should this be deemed unrealistic?

    Horrible example, not a swat van. You can easily destroy police cars in game that's why people complain about swat van, cause unless you got a grenade and you proper know how to, that wont happen very easily.
  23. Jack P

    What are your current opinions on the recent events in the USA

    @Sorle Administrative leave is not the same as fired, as that's reviewing a case and you still get Paid.
  24. Jack P

    Staff Complaint: Jack P

    @CensoredExe Hardly played before that, but if it'll boost your ego to think you caused it and not the ban and me just not playing a lot anymore then sure go ahead, whatever makes you happy. Just know what you're doing you're terrible at I've fought with more terrible people with WAY more...
  25. Jack P

    What are your current opinions on the recent events in the USA

    @Bert Ok, as of protesting violently. As I've literally said in almost any of my other responses but K, you're giving me less braincells bye.
  26. Jack P

    What are your current opinions on the recent events in the USA

    @Bert No I did not, now it's your turn to read through everything I've said. I'm talking about people who attacks cops trying to defend themselfs, people attacking ambulances, looting and attacking stores. Don't use a statement "Read what I said" when you're not doing that yourself, thank you...
  27. Jack P

    What are your current opinions on the recent events in the USA

    I don't see how Ambulances, looting and stores has anything to do with sticking up in what they believe in, their just showing how fucking terrible they are. But fine, I don't mind having the status "Terrible Person" for never wanting to create a riot that attacks ambulances and Random Shops for...
  28. Jack P

    What are your current opinions on the recent events in the USA

    @Bert I don't remember calling you braindead, I'm calling people attacking ambulances and random shots braindead.
  29. Jack P

    What are your current opinions on the recent events in the USA

    @Bert Don't tag me if you start to cry over my co-response to you.
  30. Jack P

    What are your current opinions on the recent events in the USA

    @Bert The cops can't hold everything again, things like this will ALWAYS happen. You can't prevent it, theres nothing you can and will ever 100% guarantee away from, but Americans is too braindead to understand that, atleast the americans out protesting.