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  1. Jack P

    It was fun! But everything actually got an end..

    Heya! Soooo... Everyone who's been friends with me, probably already noticed, there has been a severe lack of activity from my side. For everyone, who was on not too long ago, now knows that I've decided to quit this community. For those who's confused, or just curious as to know why, I'd...
  2. Jack P

    Quitting Perp, going on RN to give away my items!

    Quitting Perp, going on RN to give away my items!
  3. Jack P

    Denied detail

    In Disputes yeah, but Appeals they literally apologise for actions, therefor it would be clear for them that they break rules. Therefor it could be fine with a reason to be denied. Such as they don't think they're ready to come back, or something entirely else.
  4. Jack P

    Denied detail

    Well, as I've replied on some of the posts. I was told when I got accepted as Moderator, that I should ALWAYS give a reason for denying an appeal or anything. However, if staff doesn't give you the reason. Add them on steam, or make a Private Conversation on forums and talk with them, and get...
  5. Jack P

    Denied detail

    I was told, to always give a reason.
  6. Jack P

    Denied detail

    They do, I was told to always give a reason when I was a staff member.
  7. Jack P

    Fight me, stupid shit >:(

    Fight me, stupid shit >:(
  8. Jack P

    Cause it's fun

    Cause it's fun
  9. Jack P

    The Belotti Syndicate - Applications

    Ingame Name: Jack Alex-Peterson Steam Name: Jack Peterson Past Organisations: Too many, but I'll mention a few I remember names off. Slaughters, Purpleators, Omertas, Perpetrators(For 2 days.. :vomit:) Are you looking for a serious organisation?: It really depends, I am really only searching for...
  10. Jack P

    Host a roleplaying event every Sunday on the server

    Understandably enough <3
  11. Jack P

    CS:GO Guides and Advice

    @MachineGunO Good for you mate, so? That's why I asked for advice, I'm really not trying to hide it mr detective, stop coming here to try to cause problems cause you don't like me. For once in your life, give something contructive to say.
  12. Jack P

    Though theres another downside to that, if he "Forgets" to change the code aswell, people would constantly need access to the files themselfs to make sure, someone trusted.
  13. Jack P

    @smo Yeah, isn't it.
  14. Jack P

    Don't really have to trust it, that's what makes it so wonderful. It's voluntarily
  15. Jack P

    This is like one of the first time, I've seen something you've made I properly like.
  16. Jack P

    CS:GO Definitely isn't broken...

    Buy it for me.
  17. Jack P


  18. Jack P

    CS:GO Definitely isn't broken...
  19. Jack P

    CS:GO Guides and Advice

    Bad man
  20. Jack P

    CS:GO Guides and Advice

    I'd ask you not to reply, if you don't have anything constructive to say "And don't suck maybe" isn't gonna help me with anything. Thank you.
  21. Jack P

    CS:GO Guides and Advice

    Sadly Stuck between GN1 and GN2 atm.
  22. Jack P

    CS:GO Guides and Advice

    I've actually grown really into it lol, never thought I would.
  23. Jack P

    CS:GO Guides and Advice

    Hello. So basically, I've been practicing a lot on CS:GO, lately with my aim, tactics etc etc. I've been watching some videos, with some advice from my brother and guidance etc aswell. If anybody got any videos, advice or guidance to become better, both in CS:GO and to imrpove on the server...
  24. Jack P


  25. Jack P

    Why you always bully me with which car I got ;-;?

    Why you always bully me with which car I got ;-;?
  26. Jack P

    This is how I got my "Addicted" Trophy on Gmod ;)

    This is how I got my "Addicted" Trophy on Gmod ;)
  27. Jack P

    Stupidest shit you’ve ever done

    I should put a home I used to live on this list. They were so fucking careless, we were in italy and they were responsible for Sunscreen. So, they give me some none water proof sunscreen, and we went to the place we were at they had a pool and I swimmed a lot in it, the day after I had second...
  28. Jack P

    Stupidest shit you’ve ever done

    Another would probably, be that I have played too much computer for 15 years, that I have a huge knot on my right hand from damage. A permanent damage that gives me severe pain now and then.
  29. Jack P

    Stupidest shit you’ve ever done

    Hahahaha, absolutely legendary lmfao.
  30. Jack P

    Stupidest shit you’ve ever done

    Was it me?