CS:GO Guides and Advice

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So basically, I've been practicing a lot on CS:GO, lately with my aim, tactics etc etc. I've been watching some videos, with some advice from my brother and guidance etc aswell. If anybody got any videos, advice or guidance to become better, both in CS:GO and to imrpove on the server too, I would love to read, see and also if you send some videos, I would love to check them out.

All help would be appreciated.. ALSO SO I DON'T FEKING KEEP GETTING DERANKED.

Thanks very much in advance! and have an awesome day.
I've actually grown really into it lol, never thought I would.
Watch your games back and see how you died etc, takes some time but will give you an insight to how you should play out different situations
i only got good after like 500 hours, just practice a shitload and play ALOT
For csgo crosshair placement is key but also quite obvious, try to aim at your opponent before you step around the corner to peek him so that with the help of your movement the crosshair is gonna land at where he might be.

Also practice some smokes/molly's on ur preferred maps to begin with as utility can make or break a game.
- idk what rank you are but the first part is just putting in the hours.

- i'm assuming you already do but 144hz monitor, mechanical keyboard and 1ms mouse are vital.

once you have put in the hours start moving on

- there will be a point where you can no longer improve playing mm, at around 1k hours you should start playing faceit. 128 tick and proper communcation can change the game experience drastically.

- practice aim, spray patterns, peek challenges, cross hair placement, prefire angles, reaction time etc. on practice maps. make a basic foundation of it all, then proceed to focus on what you think you are the worst at. before playing at the start of the day do warm up however you like to warm up.

- practice smokes, molotovs and pop flashes on the main maps, (inferno, dust II, cache, etc)

remember to also enjoy the game, after all it is a video game meant for recreation.

doubt you'll ever get to the second section but goodluck, if you want any other tips just pm me
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I used to practice 2 hours every day before playing
30 minutes doing aim training
Then 1:30 on a free for all deathmatch server, aim for a couple thousand kills.
You'll find your aim improving massively, gamesense is just about playing much as possible. Learn smokes and flashes, with the warming up and knowing your utility you should hit LEM with no gamesense what so ever
Aim training? Bro skip that and just hop on deathmatch and flying scoutsman
I used to do aim training on cs for about 2 hours a day and it helped, but everyone’s different and you’ve gotta find a routine you like.

These days I go on GTA 5 and give myself a wanted level with police and practice and have fun like that, because of all of the random movements and everything from police.
I was gonna play CS in college to get a free ride, but I gave up on that as it was extremely demanding, although I could have pursued it and gotten an education I just wasn't a fan. I've talked to a lot of college coaches and attended tryouts, the most common thing you will hear from a coach is they like to see consistency, If you are just playing MM, slow down your play and take your time with your decision making to a point where you understand what is going on around you so in future games you don't have to think about the decisions your making. Aim is really a small part of being good at CS, any monkey can spend 10 hours and master a spray pattern, Learn the game one map at a time one position at a time. I wouldn't watch videos, sometimes watching pro matches can be useful as you can see what they are doing and try to understand why they are doing it. I highly recommend playing on esea or another third party matchmaking source 128 tick servers are loads better than 64 tick.
If you are looking to get better at solely aiming my routine is the following (Keep in mind I play almost exclusively on 128 tick, I just play with my friends and gf in MM)
2000 Kills DM (128 Tick FFA) 750 AK - 750 M4 - 50 Deage - 50 USP - 100 AWP - 300 Of wherever you feel you're struggling for that day. (I rarely play CS nowadays but even still when I do I find this to be the only way to warm myself up)
Then you can hop on an offline 128 aim map of your choosing and just practice your aiming. From there I would just play, I would learn by observing other players and watch how they play to adapt my own style. This helped me improve, and maybe it can help you idk.
Just remember to stay cool, don't get heated you'll just drag your performance down, take breaks if you're not playing well etc etc.