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  1. Fredy


  2. Fredy

    Refund Request (BigG)

    There's sadly nothing we can do until it clears, you can try cancel it on your side and use any other method.
  3. Fredy

    Refund Request (BigG)

    You bought it using an eCheck, it takes several days for an eCheck to clear.
  4. Fredy

    Update Log 10/08/2022 - Lag Fix Attempt 1

    Oh no, he doesn't know yet :D
  5. Fredy

    Update Log 10/08/2022 - Lag Fix Attempt 1

    The first way of storing items is the "correct" way, especially in a database (except for storing the name on every object). It allows for tracking exactly what happens to which item in the logs. It prevents duplication glitches since an item can only be in one inventory at a time It allows for...
  6. Fredy

    Update Log 10/08/2022 - Lag Fix Attempt 1

    It's not immediately an issue with RAM, it's an issue with Garry's Mod's garbage collector. This update fixes that by reducing the number of live objects simultaneously. This essentially divides items used by drugs by 200, thus massively speeding up the garbage collector.) Redis would not help...
  7. Fredy

    I wanted to alt on my own CS:S server when I was like 13, so I changed my PP to a random steam...

    I wanted to alt on my own CS:S server when I was like 13, so I changed my PP to a random steam one to go incognito. Never changed it back.
  8. Fredy

    The character is based on me

    The character is based on me
  9. Fredy

    Server Suggestion Perpheads US based Server

    To be successful in the US you have to fake the server's ping in the server browser. You can look for yourself, all the big US servers do it. The reason it is required nowadays is because The Gmod server browser is sorted by ping, anything greater than a 60ms ping is heavily penalized The US...
  10. Fredy

    Workbench placement error

    This should be fixed by now, if it happens again let me know
  11. Fredy

    Server Performance p2

    Hitreg is not networked to the client (other than blood splats/effects), so this is sadly not possible. It should be noted that we are doing better at 120 players than most other darkrp servers at 110, even though they don't have ragdolls or cars. Of course it could very well be argued that...
  12. Fredy

    Server Performance p2

    I am not even sure there is anything wrong with hitreg from that video. You hit the first guy and killed him. Then you hit the TFU with your first bullet at least since we see a blood splat (although delayed due to the low tickrate). However, most of your shots went far above the TFU, you can...
  13. Fredy

    Server Performance p2

    If you can't see that he very clearly shot above the TFU then I am not sure you should ever complain about the hitreg...
  14. Fredy

    Server Performance p2

    You clearly hit and killed with the first shot. The reason your bullets went past the TFU is more likely because he was crouched at an odd angle and his hitbox doesn't 100% align with the stuff that you can see. I don't see lag playing a role here at all tbh. Also please include sound when...
  15. Fredy

    Server Performance p2

    You got hit directly before you shot The red is not an issue in this case, it is only an issue if the variance is way too high, but 15.1ms as shown in your picture is actually incredibly low.
  16. Fredy

    Server Performance p2

    What is that screenshot supposed to show? It only shows that the server was running very stable (the obviously mostly flat green line). Your lerp is also not exceeded (it is white rather than yellow or red).
  17. Fredy

    I played many gulags today and it was perfectly fine. Got a lot of kills, even won one of them.

    I played many gulags today and it was perfectly fine. Got a lot of kills, even won one of them.
  18. Fredy

    Content Bug Report (Random model(s) being an error instead)

    Try unsubscribing/resubscribing to the workshop addons, this is usually caused by a corrupted download which is only fixed by redownloading it.
  19. Fredy

    Server Performance and playercount

    This is the plan
  20. Fredy

    Server Performance and playercount

    Our server is already heavily optimized for entity count. We already did the drug update where you have 1/2 planters rather than 5/10 plants. The biggest issue with entities right now is bazaar, but it's also kind of the flair of the server having a fuckload of entities there, so I don't really...
  21. Fredy

    Server Performance and playercount

    We have lowered the overall tickrate of the server to 16 today, which seems to be what most popular gmod servers use these days. This means that at high player counts, the server will not attempt to run 20 ticks that it will never be able to meet anyways thus increasing performance. From what...
  22. Fredy

    We haven't had an update in a little while which is unusal

    We actually had updates almost every day that we just don't mention since the community made it clear that they do not want us to post update logs that do not contain at least something reasonably big. These updates range from many bug fixes, continuous performance improvements and additional...
  23. Fredy

    Stop posting @A1L on my profile

    Stop posting @A1L on my profile
  24. Fredy

    Lua Bug Report (Trunk Bug (finally found the source))

    Fixed, thanks for the detailed report