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  1. -_-Edward Steward-_-

    My best Garry's Mod map yet

    I'll look into it!
  2. -_-Edward Steward-_-

    My best Garry's Mod map yet

    Hello! I'm Edward Steward and for the past 2 days I've been working on a small map using Source Hammer, I've been creating shitty maps since last year but most of em we're only some blocks. I've tried my best to make it good looking (the lightning ain't that good but anyways).I would like an...
  3. -_-Edward Steward-_-


    I know this is a lil too late but it's better than never, I'm Edward Steward. I've joined perp on 7th of May. I found this server while searching trough the DarkRP server list. When I saw "Serious RP" in the title I was surprised that serious rp even exists on gmod. With the tutorial finished, I...
  4. -_-Edward Steward-_-

    Best property to solo base?

    What would be the best property to buy if you want to solo base?
  5. -_-Edward Steward-_-

    Update Log 29/01/2024 - Mixed Bag

    This update is amazing!
  6. -_-Edward Steward-_-

    Happy Birthday!

    Happy Birthday!
  7. -_-Edward Steward-_-

    Willy Paolucci (Real Mvp)

    I would like to recommend Willy Paolucci, he is kind to many people and helps a lot of players. He is the friendliest player I have met so far
  8. -_-Edward Steward-_-

    Server Suggestion garbage man

    This is a good idea, +1.
  9. -_-Edward Steward-_-

    Map Suggestion Storage NPC at Bazaar

    Suggestion Title: Storage NPC at Bazaar Suggestion Description: It can be quite useful when players buy guns from a bazaar shop, not have to ask people around to give them storage or drive to the suburbs. Why should this be added?: - Players can store weapons bought from bazaar shops - No...
  10. -_-Edward Steward-_-

    My goodbye

    Fake news everyone. He's still screaming like an animal in discord calls
  11. -_-Edward Steward-_-

    My goodbye

    It's not my fault you ran right in front of me while I was firing my weapon full auto.
  12. -_-Edward Steward-_-

    My goodbye

  13. -_-Edward Steward-_-

    PERPHeads Secret Santa 2023

    When Paralake snowy map?
  14. -_-Edward Steward-_-

    Server Suggestion Custom Ringtones

    Suggestion Title: Custom Ringtones Suggestion Description: The ability to add custom ringtones to your phone, with Youtube links. Why should this be added?: - Listen to your favourite music when someone is calling you What negatives could this have?: - People could use ringtones with...
  15. -_-Edward Steward-_-

    Server Suggestion Ability to be downed

    Suggestion Title: Ability to be downed Suggestion Description: Let's say you are in an active shootout and you get shot multiple times. Instead of getting unconscious you would fall on the ground while you can still talk and crawl to safety. Also while you're downed you get use sidearms. To be...
  16. -_-Edward Steward-_-

    Wrong Ban Length (Ellie Wolf) (ellie)

    Hello! Me and my friends got a ban for 5 days. In the ban reason I saw that there was Meta-Gaming. The guy that reported us(Benjamin and something) said that we were on Discord, but that is false. My friend that was also banned (Needex, Kelly Winters) is using a laptop microphone and everything...
  17. -_-Edward Steward-_-

    A police officer named Rick Pan keeps arresting people for no reason.

    Hello! I got arrested by this guy 2 times. I can't keep playing on this server if this keeps happening. Today, another player named Nathan Palmer did the same thing. These two keep arresting players for no reason. And giving really big tickets. Please consider doing something about this!