Search results

  1. Sindarin

    Ban Dispute (3izu)

  2. Sindarin

    Ban Dispute (3izu)

  3. Sindarin

    Police Suggestion Internal Reprimands

    Make a ticket to the chiefs for this
  4. Sindarin

    PLPD Online Suggestion Reprimand and written warning OR

    Make a ticket to OS for this
  5. Sindarin

    Police Suggestion Gas masks

  6. Sindarin

    Police Suggestion AUG and Famas

  7. Sindarin

    PLPD Online Suggestion Search function

    The UI will be overhauled at some point however I’m still figuring out exactly what I want to do, I will keep this in mind though
  8. Sindarin

    Refund Request (MangoFracht423)

  9. Sindarin

    Server Suggestion Medics see the injury type

    Tempting, I'll look into the possibility, I will leave this open for now
  10. Sindarin

    Police Suggestion RTU Spikes

  11. Sindarin

    Server Suggestion Renault Twingo

    In the future please make a more thought out post with a better reason and effort
  12. Sindarin

    Police Suggestion PLPD CID

  13. Sindarin

    PLPD Online Suggestion Make it so you can apply directly to become a dispatcher

    Individual applications are made by command through a system with no developer input, please make a ticket to dispatch command here
  14. Sindarin

    Police Suggestion Police Jailing System

    I like this idea, and I will work on it when possible! I’ll move the thread when I start working on it (likely the next two days)
  15. Sindarin

    Bug Report (The game crashes when the server restarts)

    I assumed this is resolved
  16. Sindarin


  17. Sindarin

    PARALAKE V6 TRAILER / PERPheads 11 year anniversary

    Sadly GMod destroys your CPU not your GPU
  18. Sindarin

    Bug Report (PD rank dictating if you can be demoted)

    This is intentional
  19. Sindarin

    Ban Apology (Sindarin)

    Logs disagree, but this seems like a dispute of the validity of that part of your ban, is this correct?
  20. Sindarin

    Ban Apology (Sindarin)

    You didn’t disconnect at the same time… Your brother finished storing his gun, turned around to look at the PD, then DCed…
  21. Sindarin

    Police Suggestion Law Quiz Game

    As mentioned you could make it yourself, or a command team can make it using the resources on PLPD online, there isn’t a reason to code a new way to do this when more then one way already exists