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  1. Sindarin

    Police Suggestion SO/CPL TFOs being able to battering ram doors

    I have contacted the PD Policy Board for their thoughts on this
  2. Sindarin

    Event Suggestion Bring Back Mike Myers Event!

    It exists, but it’s kinda buggy, I’ve considered editing it a bit before and adding stuff to the one we have now
  3. Sindarin

    Police Suggestion More cams in subs

    Were would you suggest they go @JuanBonita
  4. Sindarin

    Update Logs Compilation

    Once again Rouge proving why he is the head helper
  5. Sindarin

    Update Log 18/03/2024 - PLPD 2

    Forgot to add Police Changes: You can suspend people from the PD Computers without needing to go into PLPD Online Suspended players cannot bypass suspensions by just not relogging and waiting 30m
  6. Sindarin

    The end

    @roos check disc
  7. Sindarin

    Bug Report (Can't spawn the Brute)

    So as it turns out, this was actually always a requirement, the code just didn't check it, some of the backend changes from PLPD 2 on the server caused things to properly be checked, causing the requirement to actually be noticed, it has been lowered to Senior Officer
  8. Sindarin

    Update Log 18/03/2024 - PLPD 2

    TFU Command get AS50s! Forgot to include that
  9. Sindarin

    Update Log 18/03/2024 - PLPD 2

    Open the spoiler
  10. Sindarin

    Update Log 18/03/2024 - PLPD 2

    Update Log 18/03/2024 Today's update includes changes to drug growing inside bases, as well as several small fixes, its main change being the movement to a newer version of PLPD Online. Thanks all the developers who contributed to this update: @Fredy, @Carrot, @Maia, @GP. I want to also extend a...
  11. Sindarin

    Police Suggestion Command Cars

    It kinda worked like that, it was weird, however the in-game stuff for PLPD 2 includes some in-game changes, making it work this way was one of them. The heads / command members of the following groups do not get a command car by default Complaint Committee Policy Board Dispatch Development...
  12. Sindarin

    streched | perpheads

    I love playing PERP in my 737 using my TCAS, the res matches up perfectly!
  13. Sindarin

    Server Suggestion Warning system to avoid buying anything by mistake.

    I like @rxsm 's idea of it being based on price, buying stims, lockpics, etc with this system would be super annoying, what prices do people think are high enough to warrant a confirmation request?
  14. Sindarin

    Lets talk coffee....

    I did consume 5 at once mixed with some Mountain Dew….
  15. Sindarin

    Lets talk coffee....

    I don’t drink coffee, I recommended 3 5 hour energies a day
  16. Sindarin

    To looksmax or to not looksmax

    @Standish We need you sir
  17. Sindarin


    Hello there
  18. Sindarin

    Goodbye Guys...

    He never woke up from his rest...
  19. Sindarin

    Ban Dispute (CONSOLE)

    This is now your main account, as per server rules you can no longer use the other account if you somehow re-gain access that is
  20. Sindarin

    Ban Dispute (Console)

    Both of you behave
  21. Sindarin

    Ban Dispute (CONSOLE)

    So are you saying you did not ban evade? Or you did and your sorry?
  22. Sindarin

    Server Suggestion PD Snitch expansion

    Idea 1 will be done Idea 2 is a maybe Idea 3 is a hard no
  23. Sindarin

    Server Suggestion New scroll wheel icons

    As mentioned in a previous suggestion like this, there are simply too many items needing icons and it is not worth the dev time
  24. Sindarin

    Ban Dispute (Console)

    What is your relationship to this “friend”, do you play at his house, did you use his actual account, or family share?
  25. Sindarin

    10x Premium Giveaway for new players.

    Sindarin STEAM_0:1:546179118