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  1. Atomic


    Are you going to create a crafting recipe for sponge? Gunna miss u mallard time for mallards face reveal
  2. Atomic

    AR request on Daigestive and Atomic.

    Bro, who even are you? I didn't know who you were till Dai made the first AR, are you delusional?!?!
  3. Atomic

    AR request on Daigestive and Atomic.

    we had our reason and due to the fact that we have a reason, it doesn't matter. and that last sentence is a bit slanderous tbh considering there was like 1 staff member on.
  4. Atomic

    AR request on Daigestive and Atomic.

    Revenge AR love it. Anyway, like dai said we were looking for Marcus as we wanted to kill him he got in your car we chased you and killed you. We did this as there was no point in waiting as he wasn't gunna leave you.
  5. Atomic

    Ban Dispute - Nade

    Yea Nade still uses Dial-up internet and we started calling his home number whilst he was driving. Someone kept answering the phone causing him to lag out. We do all apologize.
  6. Atomic

    AR on Tyrone

    1) you weren't shot at you retard I shot the fucking cop you saw me with the sr and quite clearly I killed the cop didn't hit you. 2) Same as above I wasnt shooting at you I was shooting the cop. 3) What does this fucking matter WE WERNT SHOOTING AT YOU? 4) Whether you are a witness or not...
  7. Atomic

    Im coming to Birmingham I want u to play me tunes first hand! Also happy birthday dad!

    Im coming to Birmingham I want u to play me tunes first hand! Also happy birthday dad!
  8. Atomic

    PERPHEADS minecraft modded server using custom pack

    The server is down for 'maintenance' (I broke it) won't be up for a week :(
  9. Atomic

    Life took over

    AW compilation music videos is it?!?!?
  10. Atomic

    Posted for Stevo-A

    Appealing for: Ban Appeal type: Apology Which staff member banned you: @Ayjay How long were you banned for: Permanently Your Steam Name: Stevo-A Your In-game Name: Stevo Adheriall Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:132675862 Why were you banned/blacklisted: Mass RDM Why should this appeal be...
  11. Atomic

    Wiki die

    Wiki die
  12. Atomic

    cheers daddy always protecting me <3

    cheers daddy always protecting me <3
  13. Atomic

    Patreon Subscribers ONLY!!

    wait 463?
  14. Atomic

    Patreon Subscribers ONLY!!

    became one of peems 396 dads
  15. Atomic

    Posted for Kay

    Appealing for: Ban Appeal type: Apology Which staff member banned you: @Brinch How long were you banned for: Permanent Your Steam Name: Kay Your In-game Name: Kay Funds if I remember Correctly Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:98351704 Why were you banned/blacklisted: Banned for attempting to DDOS...
  16. Atomic

    Happy birthday buddy have a good one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Happy birthday buddy have a good one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Atomic

    PERPHEADS minecraft modded server using custom pack

    Please make sure to update your modpack to the new version 2.4 which is on the twitch launcher!
  18. Atomic

    PERPHEADS minecraft modded server using custom pack

    Whitelist updated!
  19. Atomic

    PERPHEADS minecraft modded server using custom pack

    That is okay sir!
  20. Atomic

    PERPHEADS minecraft modded server using custom pack

    If u could add all team members MC names or make them post would be nice!
  21. Atomic

    PERPHEADS minecraft modded server using custom pack

    Whitelisted sir!
  22. Atomic

    PERPHEADS minecraft modded server using custom pack

    Whitelisted sir!
  23. Atomic

    PERPHEADS minecraft modded server using custom pack

    Whitelisted sir!
  24. Atomic

    PERPHEADS minecraft modded server using custom pack

    Whitelisted sir!
  25. Atomic

    PERPHEADS minecraft modded server using custom pack

    Whitelisted sir!
  26. Atomic

    PERPHEADS minecraft modded server using custom pack

    Whitelisted sir!
  27. Atomic

    PERPHEADS minecraft modded server using custom pack

    Team Name: fags Team Slogan: Bunch of fags Team Focus (give a rough idea of what you will be doing): Everything we can Team Emblem: (Supers idea ^^) Confirmed Team Members (update as changed): Currently me, super and supers brother welcome to new members steam msg me. Minecraft IGN: Luxin69...
  28. Atomic

    Things you didn't like the idea of til you tried?

    And ban evading
  29. Atomic

    Things you didn't like the idea of til you tried?

    Icekiller does @glacial lmfao ;)