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  1. Misel


  2. Misel

    The Sweater School

    The Sweater School Welcome to The Sweater School Organization page. The organization was started by Nikola Rodic to give the new people of paralake help to gain knowledge and give them a base to meet other new players to give them a bit of an headstart and an advantage. We offer new players...
  3. Misel

    The Sweater School applications

    NEW PLAYER TEMPLATE OOC Name: IC Name: Playtime (Press Q whilst on the server): Phone number: MENTOR TEMPLATE OOC Name: IC Name: Playtime (Press Q whilst on the server): Phone number: Why do you want to become a mentor? Are you capable of helping new players? Y/N ALLIANCE TEMPLATE...
  4. Misel

    1.2 - Not a discussion more or less a request.

    @Goonsberg That is not what I am saying, what I am saying is that the rule needs rephrasing as people will have different understandings of the rule, and I feel like a clear line has to be drawn of what you can and cannot say.
  5. Misel

    1.2 - Not a discussion more or less a request.

    @Goonsberg The problem is the streaming on twitch that is a major reason why this has been added I feel and because of Twitch TOS context does not matter if someone says the n-word or something racist they can be banned for it. I like the rule but I feel that it might be hard for people to...
  6. Misel


    I'm starting to consider booting my stream up again as well :X but some PD action
  7. Misel

    Player to Player Vehicle Sales [Pink Slips]

    I think this already has been suggested, but I really like this idea, and if we include what lelios wrote I think that this could really work and benefit the community and even roleplay with car auctions and such.
  8. Misel

    New law: Tickets 5.7

    Why would it?
  9. Misel

    yes very much like yes yes

    yes very much like yes yes
  10. Misel

    Meatball good <insert horse>

    Meatball good <insert horse>
  11. Misel

    A New Hospital idea!

    I think this is a good idea. I mostly play police and a lot of the time there are no medics on duty and this would be a great benefit for the entirety of the community.
  12. Misel

    PERPHeads Official PLPD Trailer 2021

    This was amazing
  13. Misel

    The Galactic Empire

    I'd join this
  14. Misel

    Police Suggestion Supervisor Support Scheme

    This might be a stretch but a easy thing that could be done is to create a simple form that officers can fill out to show that they want to patrol for OR's and give SGT+ access to the answers so they can contact those people and organize a time.
  15. Misel

    Repo ( TRAILER )

    This is class
  16. Misel

    Happy birthday

    Happy birthday
  17. Misel

    Activity drop

    Enjoy Norwegian school...
  18. Misel

    Ban lengths

    Compared to the good old days the bans are way shorter now and this would most likely be a permanent ban.
  19. Misel

    Israel and Palestine?

    Fina bilder från Malmö :)
  20. Misel

    RP Dead: A Discussion

    @Mimball remember when Madda tortured me?
  21. Misel

    RP Dead: A Discussion

    Everytime i do this i end up being arrested for kidnappning and bomb threats.... @Mimball
  22. Misel

    Happy day of birth Mango

    Happy day of birth Mango
  23. Misel

    Gz FlUgs

    Gz FlUgs
  24. Misel

    Grattis på födelsedagen!

    Grattis på födelsedagen!
  25. Misel

    High stakes poker table.

    Then I will have a reason to play good poker ;)
  26. Misel

    High stakes poker table.

    Description of the idea: Change one of the two poker tables at the casino to a high stakes table. Why should this be added? (pros): People with more money will be more tempted to playing poker and it will make it more fun and a bit more tryhard. When playing 60K max it's easy to bully people if...
  27. Misel

    Something outside of perp

    It would even take more than 12 days to make the reserves in my Sunday league team that ended up last 19-20 season.
  28. Misel

    Current favourite songs [OFFICIAL]

  29. Misel

    Poker bug

    Type of bug: [LUA] Description of the bug: Poker table bugging out and disappearing How to reproduce the bug: Clean everyone at the table on their chips. As the next hand starts when alone at the table stand up. Sitt back down. Time stamp(s): 00:30 GMT+2 *Errors: "Something is creating...
  30. Misel

    Happy birthday mate!

    Happy birthday mate!