1.2 - Not a discussion more or less a request.

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IKEA - Northern Europe
Hello, I put this here since I don't know where else to put this post...

Before any changes are made to 1.2, please let us make our voices heard about 1.2. There are several people who do not agree with the rule change and I believe for the servers best that we have a say in this.
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yeah find it wierd how a rule change is posted with the title "this is not up for discussion".

Totally agree with actioning racism but the rule doesnt seem to clarify enough with what you can say and by the sounds of it if my mate is being a "retard" and say crashes my car into a wall i cant call him a retard now.

I dont want my freedom of speach taken away on a game.

Bullying/harrassment/racism is different to mates enjoying an evening.
@John Daymon You’ve yet to voice your personal opinion in this thread, but are implying that you have one. We welcome people to respond to this thread with their thoughts, so long as they are constructive, and it will be considered in the meeting.
i think the rule needs to be centered around intent.

What did someone intend with the language they use.

If its maliscous goodbye but if someone is intending it for fun and roleplay then go ahead
@Goonsberg The problem is the streaming on twitch that is a major reason why this has been added I feel and because of Twitch TOS context does not matter if someone says the n-word or something racist they can be banned for it. I like the rule but I feel that it might be hard for people to understand because people have different understandings of derogatory words, like for example a twitch streamer can be banned for words like “simp” “incel” and “virgin”.
@Misel This is the problem, if you get banned for streaming on our server, go on and stream on YouTube instead, don't have a community change completely due to a small problem.
I'd like to say a few things about this before the changes are made.

All I want is more protection for players that find the comments of other players offensive. I think disallowing demonstrations of discrimination is the morally "right" thing to do, but is also an extreme action. It is important to consider both sides, as I do with every argument I hear.

Claims that this is the internet and that people should put up with other's comments... While I agree, as I have thought this way forever, I think this is dangerous. People abuse this claim by using it as an excuse to express offensive views without the consequences felt when expressed in the real world. It gives the impression that people's views online are their real views and what is said in real life is a lie.

People wanting to roleplay however they want... I understand, this is a roleplay server after all. The problem lies when people are allowed to say offensive things to others and use the in-character card to get away with it, particularly when they have given no prior indication that they are roleplaying in that way. For example, if you want to roleplay as the stereotype that is a racist, southern US American, please make it clear that you are roleplaying by changing your name, or your clothes, your model, or some other indicator. For example, some people make it clear that they mean things jokingly by the way that they act. People like Conyo Demama, Joe Baggers, Daymon, etc.

People wanting to joke with their friends... Discriminatory jokes can be funny. A lot of comedians use these jokes for a reason. For example, Adrish and his friends used to insult each other often, but I never got involved because it was clear that it was a joke between friends. I am not against this sort of thing. However, insulting a race, or other groups of people, in front of others that you barely know is not okay.

tl;dr It is when things are said so aggressively and without any indication of roleplay when the situation goes beyond the point of acceptance and some action needs to be taken. It is not hard to be considerate of others, regardless of if you think they are being a snowflake or not.
See this all sounds very reasonable and is more centered around the problem.

The problem is not the words. its how they are used.

Noone should be made to feel like shit because of others. but we shouldnt stop others from having a laugh to over protect everyone.

The rule needs to be focused on intent.
@Goonsberg That is not what I am saying, what I am saying is that the rule needs rephrasing as people will have different understandings of the rule, and I feel like a clear line has to be drawn of what you can and cannot say.