Search results

  1. steelo

    Server Suggestion PD Snitch expansion

    If something like this were to be implemented, there should be cooldowns in place to prevent it from becoming imbalanced. I suggest a short cooldown for car owner/ property owner (30m-1hr) and a long cooldown for the rival's base location (~12hrs)
  2. steelo

    Ban Apology (blobvis 2.0)

    I would suggest re-reading this bit here: "You may not be unbanned if you use an AI/ChatGPT to assist in writing your appeal, if you do your ban could be extended."
  3. steelo

    happy birthday daveed

    happy birthday daveed
  4. steelo

    Ban Apology (STEELO)

  5. steelo

    Server Suggestion Scratch-off Tickets

    I FORGOR, fixed it =D
  6. steelo

    Server Suggestion Scratch-off Tickets

    Suggestion Title: Scratch-off Tickets Suggestion Description: Purchasable Scratch-Off ticket(s) from Gas Station NPC's. -$500 ticket (max win $50k) -$1000 ticket (max win $100k) Not fussed about the numbers, development can decide on what would be reasonable. I believe it should be a...
  7. steelo

    Server Suggestion TeamSpeak suggestions

    What if you could right click on users in your TeamSpeak and adjust their individual volume like the actual software!? This way I don't have to hear Travis micspamming as I'm trying to hear call outs!
  8. steelo

    Crime Cafe 4 produced by Farid Couteau

    forced to be Marty Yellow
  9. steelo

    Update Log 21/02/2024 - Phone & Signs

    Don't be fooled, Carrot only updated Blockbuster so that he could mog everyone on the scoreboard
  10. steelo

    Ban Apology (steelo)

    Ban expires in 3 hours but I’ll go ahead and unban you. Don’t make silly mistakes like this moving forward please.
  11. steelo

    Ban Dispute (Steelo)

  12. steelo

    Refund Request (Segeco)

    1x AK-47 w/ stock 1x 7.62x39mm Magazine fully loaded 1x Red Dot Sight 1x Rifle Compensator
  13. steelo

    Rule Suggestion (3.7 Properties)

    Although you're right that wanted players should not be hiding at the Bazaar, I don't see how that contributes to the point I was making. Players can be in any multitude of situations at the Bazaar and need to flee for their safety or etc. and then suddenly run into some player-made casino that...
  14. steelo

    Rule Suggestion (3.7 Properties)

    As far as I know, these issues being brought up regarding certain shops being more sought after, etc. are being 'fixed' in v6, but I do understand where you're coming from. My primary issue with players building things in the middle of the Bazaar is that it clogs the natural movement that the...
  15. steelo

    Rule Suggestion (3.7 Properties)

    It is the discretion of the staff member(s) to enforce whether or not props, builds, etc. should be permitted outside of properties, so yes, it is 'selectively enforced' to some degree. I think it should be more strictly enforced personally, as the Bazaar is already a 20fps zone and there are...
  16. steelo

    What is the worst scandinavian language?

    There is only one correct answer and all Danes will get it wrong!
  17. steelo

    Ban Apology (steelo)

    Please do not spam appeals and wait out a majority of your ban length.
  18. steelo

    Ban Apology (steelo)

  19. steelo

    Ban Apology (steelo)

  20. steelo

    BEST AI Covers

    hnabahaahahahahah spongebob killed this shit
  21. steelo

    Best way to get banned?

    this thread fucking sucks dude
  22. steelo

    Server Suggestion Bootlegging

  23. steelo

    Refund Request (Markon797)

    The items in the screenshot provided will be boxed up by an Administrator+ and returned to you, please create a report in game and link this page.
  24. steelo

    Ban Apology (steelo)

  25. steelo

    Ban Apology (steelo)

    The situation you were banned for took place inside of a Regal Bedroom.
  26. steelo

    Weight of discrimination bans and islamophobia.

    in the interest of transparency, am i getting demoted dude??????
  27. steelo

    Ban Apology (Steelo)

    I believe that the punishment issued is lenient and reasonable. I appreciate you apologizing and hope you have a nice rest of your week.