Search results

  1. steelo

    Ban Dispute (idek)

  2. steelo

    Ban Dispute (Steelo)

    "2.5 - The user shot and killed another player over a verbal altercation."
  3. steelo

    Ban Dispute (Steelo)

    Since I am the admin that issued this ban, I cannot deal with the dispute. However, the user who killed you was also banned for 5 days.
  4. steelo

    Ban Dispute (Ezza)

    Reviewed with @Aquaa
  5. steelo

    Ban Apology (Steelo)

    Your history with 3.4 is pretty bad, I think you should wait this one out Tyrone.
  6. steelo

    Ban Dispute (Ezza)

    Your Medal clip doesn't work, please provide some form of evidence.
  7. steelo

    Ban Apology (steelo)

    Ban lowered to just a few hours.
  8. steelo

    Who has most money ingame?

    @Legion maybe
  9. steelo

    Allow the concealed carry of pistols citywide

    As i’ve said to Maia, I’ll happily write up a 5 question quiz or whatever lest this is accepted.
  10. steelo

    Allow the concealed carry of pistols citywide

    I’ve just come up with what I think is a really good counter argument and solution to expressed concerns. Criminals found to be in violation of the law (this bit can be polished by benji or whatever) will have their Concealed Carry Permit CONFISCATED. In order to reapply for a new CCP, the user...
  11. steelo

    Allow the concealed carry of pistols citywide

    There is quite literally nothing stopping me from concealing a handgun outside of PD currently (I do this for hours each day standing on the hedges, there is a desert eagle in my pocket agahagagahahjanahahahha)
  12. steelo

    Allow the concealed carry of pistols citywide

    Cops have a built in system at their fingertips that tells them whether or not a gun has been recently fired. I’m not under the impression that allowing concealed pistols would somehow dampen the investigative capabilities that the police are already arguably over-equipped with. Although I do...
  13. steelo

    Allow the concealed carry of pistols citywide

    I see many comments regarding how his could lead to ‘more shootouts’ or something, as if people aren’t already constantly carrying concealed weapons on them. Realistically, this probably wouldn’t change the amount of shootouts at all.
  14. steelo

    Repeated Infractions

    Typically, if a player has a lot of experience on the server and many punishments throughout their playtime, a longer ban will be issued under the expectation that they know better. As you’ve mentioned yourself however, ban lengths are up to the discretion of the staff member issuing the ban...
  15. steelo

    Allow the concealed carry of pistols citywide

    Eh if someone is going to break rules and kill cops without a reason they'll be banned whether they're using a pistol or otherwise. And if PvP is going to take place, it's going to take place whether it be with a pistol or an AS50. Regardless of the two previous points, most players conceal...
  16. steelo

    Ban Apology (Steelo)

    Value your life moving forward please!
  17. steelo

    Perptage 4

    God forbid someone enjoys something differently than me. Oh, you've made a montage for a survival game? Where is the surviving? This is CRINGE!! I hate EVERYTHING and I'm MISERABLE!!!!! AGGGHHHHHHHHH
  18. steelo

    Ban Apology (steelo)

    Do this
  19. steelo

    Ban Apology (steelo)

  20. steelo

    Ban Apology (steelo)

    I gave you ample opportunity to explain why you prop pushed the vehicle and you chose not to reply to my report. Regardless of whether or not your intentions were to help or not, they were in violation of the server rules. In the future, don't use props to push things around unrealistically...
  21. steelo

    Ban Dispute (Ezza)

    After thorough review of all of the footage, we do not believe you violated rule 3.4 in this situation. You are bringing your gun to passive stance at almost the exact same time that the user put his gun into attack stance. This combined with the fact that the user was not even aiming towards...
  22. steelo

    Ban Dispute (Ezza)

  23. steelo

    Server Suggestion 3.4 Drug Dealer Reminder

    I'm not really under the impression that a random pop up saying "Remember to follow rule 3.4" is going to suddenly stop new players (who don't even know what that means) from breaking the rule.
  24. steelo

    Refund Request (Kevko)

    1x Pistol Reflex Sight 1x HK HK45 CT 1x HK HK45 CT Magazine fully loaded
  25. steelo

    Ban Apology (steelo)

    With your record for 3.4, and regardless of your friend being present at the crime scene, I believe you should have avoided involving yourself to such a degree. By grabbing the handgun you put your life at risk for little to no reason at all. Some officers would not hesitate to shoot you in that...
  26. steelo

    Ban Apology (steelo)

    I appreciate your apology but I believe you should wait out more of your ban before I consider accepting.
  27. steelo

    Rule Suggestion (New Rule)

    How do you suggest we enforce this rule?
  28. steelo

    Rule Suggestion (New Rule)

    Relax, Rabbi.
  29. steelo

    Server Suggestion Make Server rules clearer and more understandable

    Per OP's request, thanks @Valentine for pointing us in the right direction.
  30. steelo

    Ban Dispute (Allen)

    This clip clearly paints a different picture. From this perspective it seems very obvious that you new exactly what you were doing by loitering in the area with the Confetti Cannon. Whilst we agree that the TFU could've taken more precaution in identifying his target, he was responding to a...