Allow the concealed carry of pistols citywide

This change simply benefits raiders more than it does someone defending themselves because someone won't 'just get fucked over' for having a concealed weapon.
I don't know where you've been lately but i've regularly see people lose their guns because of either minges exposing them illegally carrying or getting caught up in something they aren't involved in while they are minding their own business and it gets shown they are carrying. This will be beneficial for people
I see many comments regarding how his could lead to ‘more shootouts’ or something, as if people aren’t already constantly carrying concealed weapons on them. Realistically, this probably wouldn’t change the amount of shootouts at all.
It wouldn't change it, you're right. But enforcing the law would become harder because people could just use the permit as an excuse for free-carrying guns whilst having their trunk full of the weapons they actually intend to use.

Again, realistically this just makes it easier and gives an excuse to people for carrying, that just makes it more painful for officers to investigate the involvement of civilians in situations.
I don't know where you've been lately but i've regularly see people lose their guns because of either minges exposing them illegally carrying or getting caught up in something they aren't involved in while they are minding their own business and it gets shown they are carrying. This will be beneficial for people
How do they expose them? You're not explaining, you're just saying that something happens.
How do they expose them? You're not explaining, you're just saying that something happens.
Shootout happens right in front of them PD quickly shows up and GPs everyone and people who are fleeing get caught up and end up losing their pistols as they were illegally transporting is a very common thing at least in my experience and its one i deal with a lot. I'm on duty all the time idk about you but this is what i see often. Just had a similar situation with @Nazeer the other day which he can vouch. Raid got called out right in the middle of where he was and he got stopped and we found out he was illegally carrying. New players get pissed when we take their pistols that they spent all their money for over something dumb like that especially if they aren't involved Shit happens more often then you think.
i believe this should already fall under necessity. I have had multiple self defense cases I have overlocked them illegally transporting because they used it to protect themselves, I just inform them to store it before I leave the investigation and once I see them put it up we good. If they have nowhere to store it I confiscate it and give them no ticket. I think that’s fair, I don’t think allowing pistols to be carried would be good then people would just tote weapons around 24/7 and police would have a hell of a time with that.

Not to mention the gun market is already flooded enough, allowing people to keep more guns it’s just going to make selling guns harder.
Shootout happens right in front of them PD quickly shows up and GPs everyone and people who are fleeing get caught up and end up losing their pistols as they were illegally transporting is a very common thing at least in my experience and its one i deal with a lot. I'm on duty all the time idk about you but this is what i see often. Just had a similar situation with @Nazeer the other day which he can vouch. Raid got called out right in the middle of where he was and he got stopped and we found out he was illegally carrying. New players get pissed when we take their pistols that they spent all their money for over something dumb like that especially if they aren't involved Shit happens more often then you think.
And how many times does a 'raid randomly get called out'? And you happen to be in the middle of it with a weapon on you? If the answer is a lot then that is quite literally your own fault for constantly carrying a weapon with no purpose and attention to what is happening around you.

In the example that you provided, why would you even be in front of the PLPD with a pistol if you have no intention of using it relatively soon or transporting it somewhere? This is literally an area that is in the middle of two popular residential areas and two government buildings which are susceptible to raids. It's still up to the Officers to determine if what you were doing was illegal transportation and your involvement - most of the time, people get let go and given an opportunity to store if the investigation shows that they had no involvement, at least in my experience.

Using your example, what would stop someone from hanging around the PLPD with their permit, seeing their org member being transported to jail, a raid breaking out and them just joining despite previously doing something that was very much in the confines of the law? Nothing. It would make it more convenient for people to be ready and equipped to commit crimes, whilst making it unnecessarily difficult for Officers to investigate the intention of someone being at the place, at the right time, with the weapon.

As for the new player stuff, it has literally never been easier to make money on PERP. You have a plethora of guides, there is literally tutorial missions which give you money and the application to jobs is generally easier than ever. A new player getting caught out free-carrying a gun is because they've simply not learned the ropes yet, not because they need to carry a gun everywhere to protect themselves.
It wouldn't change it, you're right. But enforcing the law would become harder because people could just use the permit as an excuse for free-carrying guns whilst having their trunk full of the weapons they actually intend to use.

Again, realistically this just makes it easier and gives an excuse to people for carrying, that just makes it more painful for officers to investigate the involvement of civilians in situations.
Cops have a built in system at their fingertips that tells them whether or not a gun has been recently fired. I’m not under the impression that allowing concealed pistols would somehow dampen the investigative capabilities that the police are already arguably over-equipped with.

Although I do believe that this would be a drastic change to the way law enforcement works on the server, I don’t think it would be imbalanced by any means.

I’d also like to mention that if my idea were implemented (take a test at the shooting range in order to receive a CCP), there would still be illegal transportation of handguns taking place, and officers could still obviously lawfully stop individuals who are carrying to check their paperwork and eventually even book them if found to be without a permit.
In the example that you provided, why would you even be in front of the PLPD with a pistol if you have no intention of using it relatively soon or transporting it somewhere? This is literally an area that is in the middle of two popular residential areas and two government buildings which are susceptible to raids. It's still up to the Officers to determine if what you were doing was illegal transportation and your involvement - most of the time, people get let go and given an opportunity to store if the investigation shows that they had no involvement, at least in my experience.
I didn't say in front of PD i said PD QUICKLY SHOWS UP. Please reread my post
And how many times does a 'raid randomly get called out'?
Raids happen 24/7 how often are you on the server and on PD? It doesn't sound like a lot at this moment
Using your example, what would stop someone from hanging around the PLPD with their permit, seeing their org member being transported to jail, a raid breaking out and them just joining despite previously doing something that was very much in the confines of the law? Nothing. It would make it more convenient for people to be ready and equipped to commit crimes, whilst making it unnecessarily difficult for Officers to investigate the intention of someone being at the place, at the right time, with the weapon.
There is quite literally nothing stopping me from concealing a handgun outside of PD currently (I do this for hours each day standing on the hedges, there is a desert eagle in my pocket agahagagahahjanahahahha)
Why must we try to change something that’s already so simple and easy to understand. This will just make more things complicated.
I don't see how it would make it that more complicated. You are allowed to conceal carry a pistol in the city except gov buildings and bank and if steelo has his idea put in get a permit. It's not complicated everyone is making it way more complicated for 0 reason.
No. Just no.

This will cause an issue that is a constant arguing point for raiders if cops arrive late and make an arrest on the raider:
"They gunpointed me and I luckily had my weapon on me. I swear I was here to just say hello".

If this were to be implemented, it could cause issues with the arrests in the case where you can't prove intent of 11.11, but they shouldn't have been there with a gun in the first place.

Overall, I know what you're all arguing. But I see so many downsides to this.

For example... You can camp the DD spot, mug people and if you shoot someone just say they pointed the gun first. Simple.
Cops have a built in system at their fingertips that tells them whether or not a gun has been recently fired. I’m not under the impression that allowing concealed pistols would somehow dampen the investigative capabilities that the police are already arguably over-equipped with.

Although I do believe that this would be a drastic change to the way law enforcement works on the server, I don’t think it would be imbalanced by any means.

I’d also like to mention that if my idea were implemented (take a test at the shooting range in order to receive a CCP), there would still be illegal transportation of handguns taking place, and officers could still obviously lawfully stop individuals who are carrying to check their paperwork and eventually even book them if found to be without a permit.
My point isn't about the gun being used or not - you could have a group of 3 guys, who tried to raid a place, one of them never fired his gun and wasn't directly seen helping the two others. Investigating his purpose for being at the place would become a lot more complicated because suddenly, he has a permit and the gun hasn't been fired. Guess we have to let him go then?..
I didn't say in front of PD i said PD QUICKLY SHOWS UP. Please reread my post

Raids happen 24/7 how often are you on the server and on PD? It doesn't sound like a lot at this moment
I misread one part of your post and your entire response focused just on that and not debunking anything else that I said. Says a lot about what counter argument you have tbh.

There is quite literally nothing stopping me from concealing a handgun outside of PD currently (I do this for hours each day standing on the hedges, there is a desert eagle in my pocket agahagagahahjanahahahha)
There isn't, but that isn't the point. The point is that you are effectively breaking the law and taking a risk to do what you are doing, at your discretion. The same way that if you were found with the weapon, it would be up to the investigating officer on how they would enforce it - whether it would be confiscation, ticket or just being let go to be given a chance to store the weapon. A permit would complicate this process for no real benefit to anyone but people that commit crimes lol
I’ve just come up with what I think is a really good counter argument and solution to expressed concerns.

Criminals found to be in violation of the law (this bit can be polished by benji or whatever) will have their Concealed Carry Permit CONFISCATED. In order to reapply for a new CCP, the user must first pay all tickets.

This not only is realistic but also adds balance to this idea. Discuss!
While i understand why this idea could be useful. However with the amount of mongs that go round (me included) its hard too see a good side too this in my opinion.
I think the guns are “too legal” as it already is, you can legally own 100 50cal snipers and automatic rifles in your home and vehicles, they’re getting sold like candy in public (bazaar) it would be more interesting if it was more restrictive to be honest, but then again I’d get pretty annoyed if I lost an as50 because its not legal and I cant shoot the officers because its not a 10 year sentence
I’ve just come up with what I think is a really good counter argument and solution to expressed concerns.

Criminals found to be in violation of the law (this bit can be polished by benji or whatever) will have their Concealed Carry Permit CONFISCATED. In order to reapply for a new CCP, the user must first pay all tickets.

This not only is realistic but also adds balance to this idea. Discuss!
I don't think paying off tickets punishes anyone all that much... Besides what tickets? Felony or also for misdemeanour?

I don't see any realistic way to implement a conceal carry permit.
I don't think paying off tickets punishes anyone all that much... Besides what tickets? Felony or also for misdemeanour?

I don't see any realistic way to implement a conceal carry permit.
easily a realistic way pal, make it a quiz like fed app
Maybe something in theory like oh you shot someone did not call the cops ok while you can still keep ur guns you can only keep it on your property now like how it is now and maybe give corporal plus the designation too take it away the licence for like a week so its not easily abusable, because you did take a life for a reason be that revenge or some other reason - but this idea kind of hinges on the fact that the officer is not a complete lobotomite and can investigate things idk if that's a good idea just kind of throwing ideas in the void lmao