Search results

  1. pain

    Refund Request (pain)

    Your Steam Name: pain Your Roleplay Name: Anthony Cornetto Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:188957375 Reason for Request: some new player wouldnt give me the money back after being told many times to do so i did /me and he picked it up anyways. he also got gped too, but once again didnt listen...
  2. pain

    Refund Request (pain)

    Your Steam Name: pain Your Roleplay Name: Anthony Cornetto Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:188957375 Reason for Request: lost it due to a illegal defence Requested Items: AUG , COMP, RED DOT, FULL MAG Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff Member Staff Member: @Nazeer
  3. pain

    Paralake V6 Development Update (February)

    ngl watching this video gave me the creeps, and its probably going to make me watch my back 24/7 when v6 releases.
  4. pain

    Refund Request (pain)

    Your Steam Name: pain Your Roleplay Name: Anthony Cornetto Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:188957375 Reason for Request: got minged in a shootout with cops Requested Items: scar, comp ,red dot ,mag Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff Member Staff Member: @Tilin
  5. pain


  6. pain


    :p honourable mention has to be melted tho, goes hard in a sandwich. i hate this cheese with a passion. tried it as is and made me almost throw up my insides. made it into a sauce and my body still did not want it.
  7. pain

    New Years Giveaway! i wouldn't say favourite, but funny none of the less. here's a clip of blake tuckson ripping one out randomly in the back of bazaar !!
  8. pain

    Vault Corporation - A Christmas Special

    I didn’t know u was chill like that
  9. pain

    Vault Corporation - A Christmas Special

    Vault corp drug yield is in shambles
  10. pain

    Christmas Giveaway

    Anthony cornetto I need this badly I need me a gti
  11. pain


  12. pain

    What do you wish for christmas

    to become rich on perp once again also to become rich irl (could buy a scratch card to become rich) Guinness
  13. pain

    Server Suggestion Automated City/Police Broadcast of Bank Robbery

    i would say its a cool idea for players to gain knowledge for ongoing bank raids, but also causes more players to run to pd and become a officer as soon as they see a broadcast about it, people already do it when they hear the bank callout over radio, this would just make it even more chaos for...
  14. pain

    How much have you won or lost at the casino?

    probs around 10 mill i got my tesla after getting my blacklist removed and winning 3 + mill from Blackjack, then getting the blacklist again cause i go too greedy
  15. pain

    Monke in Paradize [MiP]

    very sigma
  16. pain

    happy birthday !! jeez 24 i am no longer unc

    happy birthday !! jeez 24 i am no longer unc
  17. pain

    happy birthday !!!! 27 FUCKING HELL

    happy birthday !!!! 27 FUCKING HELL
  18. pain

    Refund Request (pain)

    Your Steam Name: pain Your Roleplay Name: Anthony Cornetto Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:188957375 Reason for Request: lost my gun due to a rule break, would not of lost it if said rule was not broken Requested Items: 1 mp9, pistol reflex, comp, 30 round mp9 mag Evidence Type: Action...
  19. pain

    happy birthday!!

    happy birthday!!
  20. pain

    Action Request (kcs opinion)

    Your Steam Name: pain Your Roleplay Name: Anthony Cornetto Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:188957375 Player's Steam Name: kcs opinion Player's Roleplay Name: Jaqavious sebastian Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:456666500 Why should this player be punished?: the guy was sitting there acting "afk", then...
  21. pain

    [ATTACH] yes mate and lets have a scrap innit!!! wayyyy

    yes mate and lets have a scrap innit!!! wayyyy
  22. pain

    Permabanned giveaway

    Anthony Cornetto / a degenerate gambler. i would really like these due to the fact that it will help me out massively. (financially) also i miss your farts. (context)
  23. pain

    Rule Changes and 3.4 poll - 28/07/2024

    nahh i ain't going to let muggers take my shit due to the fact they got more numbers than me at the drug dealer, im going out like pablo Escobar.
  24. pain

    Best Pot Noodle flavour 2024 edition

    nah I'm pretty sure u can still buy them, i don't think its as popular tho.
  25. pain

    Best Pot Noodle flavour 2024 edition

    coming back late at night after work eating one of these bad boys. the sauce packet u get with it too gives it a kick!
  26. pain

    i dont want to talk about this

    fredy = Jesus
  27. pain

    went from piss to bogey green congrats !

    went from piss to bogey green congrats !
  28. pain


    every time i say Qawferz it just reminds me of these bad boys.
  29. pain

