Server Suggestion Automated City/Police Broadcast of Bank Robbery

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United Kingdom
Suggestion Title: Automated City/Police Broadcast of Bank Robbery
Suggestion Description: Once the Bank's alarm goes off and alerts police of the robbery, either the City Hall or the Police should also put out an automated broadcast, for example: "[City Hall/Dispatch] Please avoid the city area at all costs due to an active threat to life present at the Bank. Updates to follow". This broadcast should also be repeated once the vault door has opened as bank robbery fights will tend to spill out onto the streets as the robbers make their getaway.

Why should this be added?:
- Raises awareness of the Bank Robbery, allowing for uninvolved players to actively avoid the area until the situation has finished so that they are not putting their life at risk.

What negatives could this have?:
- Could be argued as unnecessary given that the Police presence and gunshots emanating from that area is a clear indicator to avoid the Bank/City area
- Players would suddenly run to PD to go on duty and counter the bank robbery, giving Police an already greater advantage

What problem would this suggestion solve?: Hopefully reducing the number of cases where players have walked into the area of a bank robbery claiming that there was no indication of one taking place, thus reducing the amount of 3.4 violations taking place during a bank robbery.
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i would say its a cool idea for players to gain knowledge for ongoing bank raids, but also causes more players to run to pd and become a officer as soon as they see a broadcast about it, people already do it when they hear the bank callout over radio, this would just make it even more chaos for the bank raiders.
All thats gonna happend is all off duty tfu Get on and when the bank Robbery is over they all go off duty.
All thats gonna happend is all off duty tfu Get on and when the bank Robbery is over they all go off duty
to prevent this you could add a rule that after you go on duty you must not respons to 1 obvious incident and the go off, such as the bank raid
It’s a good idea, the only huge negative tho is that as soon as people hear a bank robbery over a police radio or see/hear it, they rush to go on duty/tfu (yes i’m guilty of it too) I believe this will just amplify it and next minute you have people coming from all over the map to go on cop just for a bank robbery, to then go off duty afterwards

If this was to become a thing i would suggest have some sort of way of punishing the players who do this or some sort of way to stop this happening. Such as people not being able to go on duty when a bank raid is active, or even until the vault opens. A rule could also work but also causes more work for staff when they already have enough shit to deal with

I personally think players should be pushed harshly for running into a bank robbery, fair enough if it’s a new player but an experienced player who “just wants to get their car” or some shit like that should know better, and sometimes a slay/5 min black screen isn’t good enough. It’s a severe break of rule 3.4 and should be treated the same as someone breaking direct gunpoint, such as a warning or a ban. It is already a mess for bank raiders having to worry about random civs distracting them from 15+ cops, Yes shooting them works and is easy org xp but is also a massive pain in the ass. Yes staff have enough shit to deal with, but like even when i was staff 9/10 i would have to put a message in admin chat to ask someone to slay the retard thinking the shootout was a movie premier

But overall a good suggestion, just would like something to be in place to stop people going on cop just to counter the bank robbery and then dip off afterwards
Yeah like Pug said, if this suggestion is accepted, I believe adding a feature such as disabling the ability to go on duty as police at all while the bank robbery is in progress would be ideal, as then players wouldn’t have to deal with waves of officers coming out of nowhere over simply having heard that there’s a bank robbery in progress over the radio and deciding to go on duty for that sole reason.

Overall, good suggestion, but needs a counter measure to not make it impossible to raid the bank.
People who are in the city area already get spammed with notifications to leave the area, if they ignore those why would they take a broadcast into account?

Plans are in motion to drastically change how bank robberies will work that should fix this problem, I think we might as well wait for those changes
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Players already get prominently told to leave the area. Adding this broadcast would act as a call for more people to run to PD and gear up for the shootout. Due to the way bank robberies work, this won't be added for the current system, but might be considered in the future.
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