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  1. pain


  2. pain


  3. pain

    I messed up.

    not everyone has a 40 mill + gambling debt tho lmao
  4. pain

    I messed up.

    damn, dw u will come back stronger than ever from this, i will not be coming back from my gambling debt tho.
  5. pain

    sigma tage #69

    damn my sigma whipped out the troll aug skin
  6. pain

    happy birth!!! [ATTACH]

    happy birth!!!
  7. pain

    oh shit ur cool color now!!! W

    oh shit ur cool color now!!! W
  8. pain


  9. pain

    aloo and roos are gone forever

    goodbye! i will miss u roos!
  10. pain

    Perptage 7

  11. pain

    Server Suggestion money drop cap when having a current gambling blacklist

    Suggestion Title: money drop cap when having a current gambling blacklist Suggestion Description: a system to stop u from dropping a big amount of money / to stop people from gambling that have a current gambling blacklist. basically once u have a blacklist u cannot gamble full stop! i know u...
  12. pain

    Update Log 12/04/2024 - New Clothes and Models

    make a bigger tophat for next update !!!
  13. pain

    Update Log 12/04/2024 - New Clothes and Models

    rocking the red sneakers
  14. pain

    Fallout on Amazon Prime

    might have to give it a watch!
  15. pain

    What animes yous watching

    sons of anarchy was a good show, not anime. inbetweeners was the goat and an all time classic.
  16. pain

    What animes yous watching

    breaking bad and sopranos are banging, but funny enough i have never watched this is England even tho i live in the uk. shocker
  17. pain

    What animes yous watching

    come fly with me was gold!!!
  18. pain

    What do you prefer? PLPD Light Mode or Dark Mode?

    yeah don't want my eyes to be flash banged every time i load up plpd. dark mode on top
  19. pain

    Perpheads Chess Club

    thanks !
  20. pain

    Perpheads Chess Club

    i still dont know how to play chess!
  21. pain

    V6 WHEN? Im impatient

    paralake gonna be unrecognisable!
  22. pain

    Rule Suggestion (3.13 Selling Items)

    i got an as50 from him too the other day!! but yes i agree that something needs to be done about them, its just a easy money making method with no repercussions. just to add i got 2 more as50s and 1 scar and 2 pistols from xao's crates!!! W
  23. pain

    perpheads | montage #1

    potato gaming !!
  24. pain

    Model Suggestion Buyable Weapon Skin Changer

    this would be pretty dope makes it easier for players to have weapon skins and also a very easy process and also another money sink.
  25. pain

    Password game

    how tf u play chess, im stupid
  26. pain

    Ban Apology (a1l)

    i said u could try asking aquaa but ban apologies are the way to go! everyone on the server when it comes to getting a unban is the first step and that's making a ban appeal and simply waiting, a reminder asking staff members for unban or reduced ban length is most probably gonna be a no.
  27. pain

    Rule change, change raid timer.

    nahhhhhh that just would be boring af waiting an extra 30 minutes just to raid again, hell no.
  28. pain

    Police Suggestion Going On Duty Locked While Bank Heist Active

    +1 this would be great and stop people racing to get to pd to get a couple of kills. sometimes feels like a wave of zombies from call of duty, they don't stop coming