Police Suggestion Going On Duty Locked While Bank Heist Active

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sneed's feed & seed
Suggestion Title: Going On Duty Locked While Bank Heist Active
Suggestion Description: Players will be unable to go on duty as Police while an active Bank Heist is ongoing. In order to go on duty, one of the following conditions will need to be met:

1. One minute has passed since the bank robbers have collected all of the cash.
2. All bank robbers have been either knocked unconscious, killed, or detained.
3. The drill has been confiscated.

Why should this be added?:
- This stops players from overhearing the automated bank raid radio message, etc. and immediately going on duty.
- This balances the bank raid payout further, as players who go on duty after the heist has begun do NOT contribute to the payout calculation.

What negatives could this have?:
- Gameplay flow, players who connect and want to go on duty but potentially have to wait upwards of 10 minutes to do so.

What problem would this suggestion solve?: Often times, players will go on duty once they realize a bank raid is ongoing. This suggestion aims to solve this problem without disrupting gameplay too harshly.
Crims who are rewarded for the amount of cops on prior to planting the drill, should not be met with a force stronger than what their reward was calculated for.

- This balances the bank raid payout further, as players who go on duty after the heist has begun do NOT contribute to the payout calculation.
Another way to solve this specific issue is to have the calculation for the money you should be receiving to be generated when the vault door opens instead of at the start of the bank raid.

The possible con to this could be that when the players hear the alarm to then go off duty to reduce the payout from the bank heist however a good possible "failsafe" for this could be to have the Cop Count be calculated at the start, save that number and to have another calculation when the vault door opens.
You then compare those numbers from the start of the raid with the newly calculated one and use the higher number.
If the Cop Count at the start is higher then when the vault door opens then it maintains the first number recorded, If more cops went on duty after the bank raid has already started it will use the the secondary number. This way it is never unfair towards criminals and can not be abused.

The con to the system of :
1. One minute has passed since the bank robbers have collected all of the cash.
is that players who join in after the alarm already has went off probably will receive an unfair warning for "going on duty during a bank raid" even though they couldn't have known about this.
Of course you could code in to make an export where it checks if a bank raid is going on to then not allow people from going on duty but I am worried this will be a new rule rather then an automated system for players.
+1 this would be great and stop people racing to get to pd to get a couple of kills. sometimes feels like a wave of zombies from call of duty, they don't stop coming
Another way to solve this specific issue is to have the calculation for the money you should be receiving to be generated when the vault door opens instead of at the start of the bank raid.
This won't work either, because people can disconnect on a black screen, so you may actually get a lower payout than you deserve in some cases. Also It's not extremely uncommon to actually encounter more than 22 (the limit) cops during peak activity and you don't/would not get a payout that equates to that.

There's no real fair calculation either, if you change it to cops killed by players within the bank zone, you can still have cops that live but were a hinderance to the bank robbers, or die after the vault is open.

Locking slots seems like the simplest option tbh.
“It’s just the PD calling the military to come help” - TinySlayer/Efan when they deny this

I believe this’d be very beneficial as it stops the entirety of Bazaar to zoom to PD when they hear the bank callout from an Officer, however realistically I guess it could just be considered offduty cops coming on duty to assist, but I think this addition would be very loved by the community!
This balances the bank raid payout further, as players who go on duty after the heist has begun do NOT contribute to the payout calculation.

This is not accurate, even the people who join after the alarm goes off count towards the payout
No thanks all the people I did bank robbery with had 0 cares for the money and just wanted to have fun to kill the most cops as possible
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