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  1. Jeremy Clarkson

    Yes thats that one from happy valley

    Yes thats that one from happy valley
  2. Jeremy Clarkson


  3. Jeremy Clarkson

    Love your kids?

    Love your kids?
  4. Jeremy Clarkson

    Yep super saxy

    Yep super saxy
  5. Jeremy Clarkson


  6. Jeremy Clarkson

    Happy berf day

    Happy berf day
  7. Jeremy Clarkson

    Blender creations!

    I hope i can do this without shooting myself in the side of my head
  8. Jeremy Clarkson

    Egg shell egg shell egg shell egg shell

    Egg shell egg shell egg shell egg shell
  9. Jeremy Clarkson

    AR on Joe Bagger

    Well joe was not looking looking at you at all so he did not know you where holding a gun even if he did get down it would not matter cause he friend would have shot yoU if he got down or not.So I don't really know why you would try to gun point when his friend is clearly right behind you.hes...
  10. Jeremy Clarkson

    Trying out different styles of RP

    The best type of rp is assholeRP all you do is just be an asshole
  11. Jeremy Clarkson

    Action Request on epithax

    Well me and him had a 15 min talk about what happend he said he was preparing for dinner.And some foods take longer to cook then others.When i was talking to you about what happend you said he was reading the names from the doors.No he has them disabled and Juan called the bank to see who owned...
  12. Jeremy Clarkson

    Fuck that asshole i am now with amazon prime

    Fuck that asshole i am now with amazon prime
  13. Jeremy Clarkson

    Die i already haxed you bitch

    Die i already haxed you bitch
  14. Jeremy Clarkson

    Thats it hax incoming

    Thats it hax incoming
  15. Jeremy Clarkson

    Yo dont say fucking anything about what i did to curtis i hacked his pc and took everything hes...

    Yo dont say fucking anything about what i did to curtis i hacked his pc and took everything hes poorhub is big daddy B and his steam password is abc123.So if i see you telling anyone i will hax you
  16. Jeremy Clarkson

    Action Request-D3luX

    So are you saying you killed an officer that posed no threat to you at all just to save money?
  17. Jeremy Clarkson

    Standish Please Stop

    Near 1:34 it kinda sounds like you cut a part out when you where talking.One more thing why the hell where you just aiming at the door before they started to lockpick?
  18. Jeremy Clarkson

    Hello! I am Frentium!

    I see you like doctor who love that show. Welcome to perpheads! if you wanna connect to the TS sever the IP is Be sure to read over the rules so you dont get your self banned have fun. Dont fell fucking bad i am stuck at silver 1
  19. Jeremy Clarkson


    Hello jon CENA godman
  20. Jeremy Clarkson

    Byeeeeeeee Perpheads!

    Holy shit a tesla is like $101,500
  21. Jeremy Clarkson

    Police Woman Is Breaking the law

    My steam name is my fourm name and my steamID: STEAM_0:1:55596695 I dont know how i broke 3.15 you parked in the middle of the high way blocking a crashed car.You said "get out get out" then started ramming my car.The rule i personally think i broke was 3.15.I was and i was NOT driving on the...
  22. Jeremy Clarkson

    The New Era APP

    Is there any background of your org?
  23. Jeremy Clarkson

    Dream Car?

    Fiat Multipla 0 to 60 in like 50 seconds and its sexy and fast as fuck
  24. Jeremy Clarkson


    Try this found it on the interweb
  25. Jeremy Clarkson

    EMS/Medic Whitelist

    How well the poor sweaters make all there money police is already whitelisted
  26. Jeremy Clarkson

    Corrupt Medic :P

    I wonder what you recorded with? any ways good video
  27. Jeremy Clarkson

    New Cuffing system.

    Topic: New Cuffing system. Short explanation (in notes): - More realistic - Stop ninja cuffing - Detailed description (why should it become added/...): Well realistically you can not cuff someone in under a second, and can not cuff someone when there in front of you. So i was wondering if...
  28. Jeremy Clarkson

    Is It Just Me

    Telling them to stop wont do jack shit just hope you know that.and why the fuck would you post it here
  29. Jeremy Clarkson

    Dank memes

    Dank memes
  30. Jeremy Clarkson

    Most embarrassing thing you have done ingame.

    There was a big shootout at intersection I was swat and killed 2 cops whoops