Standish Please Stop

Oh god, another one..Please, stop posting EVERY raid you attack/defend. That's like me recording and posting everytime I make an arrest as an officer and then boast about it because i'm full of myself.

This is what I expect from you nowa' days.
Because my first thought when defending something alone is to go straight out and save the guns; nah, the police won't respond to the excessive shots fired, nah, there's probably not another one sat waiting for me to put my gun away.
Near 1:34 it kinda sounds like you cut a part out when you where talking.One more thing why the hell where you just aiming at the door before they started to lockpick?
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Does your school not teach you that you do not need to capitalize every first letter?

I Mean If You Want To Type Like This You Can But It Looks Really Stupid

Oh Yeah This Is A PM I Got From Reece And You Can See He Does Not Know How To Use Capitals.
Using a skid defence isn't much to get your penar out about, pretty sure it was PTP initiating the raid anyway. If you're going to upload a video, display a feat, not you sitting on some barriers waiting for people to walk into your line of fire; You're digging a hole.

When you send me a screenshot/video of you killing me, I'll stop giving you naughty ratings :^).
Just gonna say, your last couple of videos got you alot more hate so why keep posting them? Just saying you might wanna stop before we "piss you off" too much.
I would really love to see round 2 of Reece Arnolds VS Standish - I Bet reece arnolds will win!
VoteDonald If you want a better life in perp ;D
just saying as a proud member of the Standish family you can see how you build i defense there not the worst that could be build but not the best and you choose to sit in a corner where as if they walk through that front door they have like no chance of shooting you you were bobbing in and out of the door until you could tell there was no more. next time you want to look good against Standish please actually be somewhere you can be seen when people are on the stars and not hiding in a corner were they have to run in to get you