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  1. Goonsberg

    Server Suggestion Better TV

    Allowing GMod players the freedom to play whatever they want is just a recipe for disaster. Have you met some of the people in this community? Adding the need for approval just adds more moderation which isn’t needed.
  2. Goonsberg

    Bro is still waiting

    Bro is still waiting
  3. Goonsberg

    Ban Apology (Locksmith)

    He has 48 hours to respond, you’ve given him 7 hours… If you bump apologies it makes it less likely to be accepted.
  4. Goonsberg

    I didn’t :(

    Link me the cheats pls, they sound really undetectable
  5. Goonsberg

    How long was your longest ban

    Said every ban appeal ever
  6. Goonsberg

    How long was your longest ban

    1 week Back in 2016
  7. Goonsberg

    Police Suggestion Police tutorial mission(s) for new officers.

    Really great suggestion. I do feel it should be compulsory as there are probably lots that new officers ‘think’ they know when in actual fact they don’t which would really help. Maybe the driving, guns etc compulsory then optional ones that go even more in depth for things like all the...
  8. Goonsberg

    how to delete custom skins?

    In the nicest way, read what Dave said. Dave has literally told you the folders you need to delete, if you can’t figure it out with what he’s said then I dread to think how you installed skins.
  9. Goonsberg

    Max Verstappen - World Champion Again

    What team do you support? Aston Martin Who's your favourite driver? Sainz (Ferrari fucked up) What was your favourite moment of the season? Max’s drive at Brazil Did Max Verstappen deserve to win this year? If not, who did? Yes. Did it in a non dominant car, showed that he is a champion. Lots of...
  10. Goonsberg

    Any good games for under €5 on Steam?

    @Ellie gave you the best advice, don’t buy on steam, buy a game key. If you haven’t played it before, SWAT 4 is a must. It’s old, it’s ugly, it’s clunky. But it’s bloody brilliant, especially if you can get a few mates to play with you. It’s under £5, not sure if that translate to your silly...
  11. Goonsberg

    Any good games for under €5 on Steam?

    @Fredy add to perp ye
  12. Goonsberg

    Server Suggestion Chess

    Been denied multiple times but don’t know why…. Nice easy money sink if anything!
  13. Goonsberg

    Should there be a functional parking meter in v6?

    Bro has ruined his reaction score
  14. Goonsberg

    Dispatcher Enjoyability

    As in dealing with those who don’t follow dispatch orders. They are the equivalent to a Lieutenant after all.
  15. Goonsberg

    Dispatcher Enjoyability

    Dispatcher was great when the server struggled with player count. It still is enjoyable when low pop as you can easily organise the department. However, when the server is busy and you have an army of pistol cops it becomes impossible to enjoy, unless you have multiple skilled dispatchers &...
  16. Goonsberg

    This server is going to die

  17. Goonsberg

    Rule Changes - 15/11/2024

    this post gave me the ick @Tyla Jai
  18. Goonsberg

    Police Suggestion Add a minimum text for inboxes

    I mean, just because it’s not a big issue doesn’t mean it’s not an issue. Wouldn’t take sindarin long to change it. Oh wait…
  19. Goonsberg

    Model Suggestion Stingball grenade (Texture included!)

    Especially with this cheeky new update that is coming
  20. Goonsberg

    Glock 17 with Glock 18c Iron Sight

    I swear to god I’m going to scream if I click that medal clip and it’s an unedited clip of Tyrone Morris running from PD reception to the armory
  21. Goonsberg

    Cheating for montage clips - is it worth it?

    I love it, the thrill it brings, it’s just crazy! Watching a montage with a magnifying glass, watching out for a cheeky cross hair or an obvious snap on. It does things to me no woman could ever do when I spot that cheeky cross hair in the middle of their screen after watching 17 shit montages...
  22. Goonsberg

    Do you consider 'Sweaters' to be people?

    Just know that when you see me walk down the stairs of city hall, I have control.
  23. Goonsberg

    World of Warcraft guild

    Pls translate to English
  24. Goonsberg

    Community Suggestion Autofill for ban appeals

    It’s already been said, but if someone can’t be arsed to try and get the info, I wouldn’t be arsed to write accepted
  25. Goonsberg

    Community Suggestion Autofill for ban appeals
  26. Goonsberg

    Community Suggestion Autofill for ban appeals

    Staff can just click their steam ID and see their IC name
  27. Goonsberg

    Is my computer fucked?

    guys scare me
  28. Goonsberg

    Is my computer fucked?

    Little update for the loyal readers of my technical nightmare… The laptop has now completely given up & when I turn her on, all I get is a nice RGB keyboard with a black screen
  29. Goonsberg

    Leonard Bushross

    I’m just quoting what it says on his SCAR-L
  30. Goonsberg

    Leonard Bushross

    Who is Leonard Bushross? I only know… THE RAPER