Model Suggestion Stingball grenade (Texture included!)

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Suggestion Title: Stingball grenade (Texture included!)
Suggestion Description: Adding a Stingball less lethal grenade as both a TFU item and a craftable weapon.

Stingball grenades, also known as “Stingers” Are less lethal fragmentation grenades with rubber shells. They contain explosives, rubber balls, and sometimes some form of OC irritant. They are used as crowd control and incapacitation devices, particularly in situations where flashbangs are impractical or dangerous.

A Stingball grenade would be an alternative to a flashbang, however rather than cause a blinding effect and deafening effect to people who are looking at the grenade or are otherwise caught in its radius, the Stingball grenade would work as a “nightstick bomb” style effect, where the player is less deafened but acts as if they have just been nightsticked, pushing their weapon into passive stance and disorienting them, restricting movement and visibility, the same way the nightstick does to a stronger degree. Maybe players caught directly in the blast could have a “Flinch” effect applied, where their direction of aim is altered by the grenade. The intensity of the effect and the effects given will depend on how close the afflicted is to the grenade upon its detonation.

It would roll and bounce far better than a flashbang and would throw, roll and bounce like the M67 grenade (The base model I make the example texture for).

For TFU, an option for in gear TFOs could appear in the menu, saying “I wish to change my less lethals”. At which point you will be given the option to change from 2 flashbangs to either 1 flashbang and one stinger, or two stingers.

The Stingball would be radius based, and focuses more on pain inflicting compliance rather than blinding and deafening (but it does deafen too irl). The differences between a stinger and a flashbang should be:
- The Stinger would allow its operator to look towards it as it detonated, whilst the flashbang does not.
- The stinger would require the target to be caught in its radius, whilst flashbangs would simply require the target to be in eyeshot at a relatively close distance.
- Tactics with the Stinger would be different from that of a flashbang. For example, Using a stinger to enter a room by getting everyone to look away from it so you can push in wouldn’t work. However, as described above, there would be no need to look away from it.

Why should this be added?:
- Alternative to the flashbang.
- Home defense grenade.
- SWAT 4 and Ready or Not gamers unite.
- My version uses the already existing M67 model.
- Same purpose as a flashbang, but tactically different, with less margin for error and easier use, with the trade off being less uses,

What negatives could this have?:
- Alternative to an existing system.

What problem would this suggestion solve?: Adds a new alternative to flashbangs that has its own set of merits, such as ease of use, with less opportunity for well timed tactics. A flashbang has far more flexibility however, has its drawbacks.

Useful Images:
As If Dom and his brigade of night stick cops haven’t caused enough chaos and broken enough policies…

I believe this should also be issued to Serg+, as TFOs will be focusing on more shootout based situations and not protests, unless of course an officer gets killed.

Other than that great idea

throwing these at every sweater i see but, Great suggestion i think if they made you injured but not uncon and gave you slight vision impairment
I believe this should also be issued to Serg+, as TFOs will be focusing on more shootout based situations and not protests, unless of course an officer gets killed.

Other than that great idea

No officer outside of TFU should get to deploy a combat explosive. Someone outside of TFU gear would rarely find themselves in a situation where deploying one would be appropriate outside of situations TFU would respond to.
No officer outside of TFU should get to deploy a combat explosive. Someone outside of TFU gear would rarely find themselves in a situation where deploying one would be appropriate outside of situations TFU would respond to.
Especially with this cheeky new update that is coming

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