Search results

  1. Johny-Quid$$$

    AR on Festive Wiki

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Dimitri my steam name His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Festive WIki His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:155779481 Why Should This Player Be Punished: Well my friend messaged me in org chat and suggested me to raid Bazzar 1. I go there I see 2 guys so I decide to go around unlock...
  2. Johny-Quid$$$

    okay daddy

    okay daddy
  3. Johny-Quid$$$

    AR on Jamal

    First of all he aint my boyfriend. Also this is a roleplay server and there are rules do you know why? Not because they wanna ban retarded little brats like you its about keeping the balance and not destroying the roleplaying/game expirience. Honestly many people just stop playing because people...
  4. Johny-Quid$$$

    AR on Jamal

    Paralake supposed to be a huge city with thousands of people. Anyone could wear the same clothes. I wear a red jacket in my city and its pretty small city to be honest and I see 6-7 more people having the same. Your excuse sucks mr Jamal. I brought Mpitzas in this server and he made me proud...
  5. Johny-Quid$$$


    Your in-game name: Johnny Quid Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:40367142 What do you need refunded: 2planter boxes including 12gardening pots and everything you need to grow, 1fuly loaded Mossberg shotgun. Why do you want your item(s) refunded: We were basing at the office growing drugs and then basically...
  6. Johny-Quid$$$

    AR on Hopeful

    Your Steam/In-game Name:Johnny-Quid/Johnny Quid His/Her Steam/In-game Name:Hopeful His/Her SteamID:STEAM_0:0:239898716 Why Should This Player Be Punished:Breaking 3.4 Once I was about to mug him I took my gun out and he was under gunpoint then he/she was like "WOW" and started running away from...
  7. Johny-Quid$$$

    AR on Orzel1244/Mac Rosiak

    Then if you were informing him why did you run back and killed him instead of trying to explaining him? For me you fucked up and you are just trying to fix it now. Anyway I am not gonna discuss this its not my call either way.
  8. Johny-Quid$$$

    AR on Orzel1244/Mac Rosiak

    I am sure you can mug people in public in night time. What kind of world do you live at? Have you ever heard of people stealing wallets and such in public?
  9. Johny-Quid$$$

    AR on Orzel1244/Mac Rosiak

    I heard gunshots outside I unlocked the door and I run then I saw my friend dead and I started shooting at your car. Its pretty obvious that you broke 3.4 Knife or not he was right in front of you so the knife should be in your chest or neck. And just because we were 3 people on the server...
  10. Johny-Quid$$$

    Wanna listen to your MAMAAAAAAAAAAAA??? <3 <3 <3

    Wanna listen to your MAMAAAAAAAAAAAA??? <3 <3 <3
  11. Johny-Quid$$$

    Help me :P

    Hello everyone you might noticed that I am not active on the server any more its because my laptop died and I am using my old computer and I can't really play on perpheads server. This is my computer: it is like 10 years old and I think I need to...
  12. Johny-Quid$$$

    Goodbye everyone!

    Hope to see you soon :/ Good luck in your future m8 .
  13. Johny-Quid$$$


    I will propably post every granny porn video I watch here. I want to share everything with you guys :) :woot::woot::woot::woot:
  14. Johny-Quid$$$


    We got a post whore over here :nailbiting: I've lost 6minutes of my life watching this shity video.:rage:
  15. Johny-Quid$$$


    I was a bitch on him once in an admin situation because I didn't realized what I've done but he was kind with me and he banned me for 2 weeks only. Ash For Owner :P
  16. Johny-Quid$$$

    Counter-Strike: Global Offensive - Tournament

    Just a question I am VACed in my main account can I join this tournament?? I was Gold Nova 1 and I deranked to silver 2 I was really mad and I installed wallhack. Got 2 more accounts now and I am Silver Elite and Silver Elite Master.
  17. Johny-Quid$$$

    The End

    Welcum to the club :P You were a great staff member good luck in your future.
  18. Johny-Quid$$$

    [Debate] Android Vs. iOS

    Android for ever!!! Because you can jailbreak it,download granny porn and applications.
  19. Johny-Quid$$$

    Taking a break/leaving

    When I got banned I told you that I was leaving and that I am going to give you all my stuff. Fuck you man you left without taking my items :/ I will carry you on CS GO don't worry Malaka. Anyway I am thinking to join PH this week and give all my items and money join me if you want :)
  20. Johny-Quid$$$

    Disable snow, rain (clientside)

    +support remove snow and rain for good got less than 10 fps because of that. And maybe make another suggestion to remove addons from the server like cars/weapons that nobody buys/use.
  21. Johny-Quid$$$

    A map suggestion

    -Support He wasn't a developer/owner of PH he was a player with bad reputation and many bans on hs record. @Xquality If you are going to spend your time for this shity suggestion I want you to make a statue for every single player who got perma banned from the server. For example make 10 statues...
  22. Johny-Quid$$$

    The Greek Empire

    Announcement for the members of Greek Empire Me and the underbossed decided: * We are not going to help/protect friends but only our allies. * We are basing with organization members only. (Except premission granted from capo's or higher ranked members). * If anyone betrays us he will get...
  23. Johny-Quid$$$

    The Montreal Family

    I guess I need to do 10raids or 10 bank robberies to get my rank. :P
  24. Johny-Quid$$$

    Bye every one

    Have fun!! (See you in a week)
  25. Johny-Quid$$$

    The Montreal Family Applications

    OOC Information Steam name:Johnny-Quid$$$ Age:17 Country:Greece Are you active enough?:I was but I had school exams now I will be active again. Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:40367142 IC Information In-Game name:Johnny Quid Age:33 Any cars you...
  26. Johny-Quid$$$

    Single bed

    I think nobody is gonna use/buy it we don't need a single bed. -Support
  27. Johny-Quid$$$

    CS:GO Tournament!

    If anyone wants team up with me add me on steam The Real Dumbass!!!
  28. Johny-Quid$$$


    Hope to see you soon!!!!
  29. Johny-Quid$$$

    Ban request

    Neutral +/- Ryder wasn't really in gun point it was long range to take him down with a shotgun. But Bella broke 3.15 and 3.4.
  30. Johny-Quid$$$

    I am leaving.

    Goodbye!!! (See you soon.) :P