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  1. Johny-Quid$$$

    Ban request michael scofield

    It was less than 20minutes when i will upload the video you will see it.
  2. Johny-Quid$$$

    Ban request michael scofield

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Johnny-Quid$$$/Johny Quid ​His/Her Steam/In-game Names: steam Michael Scofield ingame Michael aabruzzi SteamID:STEAM_0:1:36664193. Reason: I was in my base and Michael tried to raid me and he failed after 10-15mins he came back and he tried to raid me again.When i told...
  3. Johny-Quid$$$

    New Job: Detective

    +support nice idea ;)
  4. Johny-Quid$$$

    Bank loan

    It would be nice +support but i think the maximum loan should be 20K and you have to payback 21k or 22k ;)
  5. Johny-Quid$$$

    More Realistic Drug Dealing.

    +support perfect idea ;)
  6. Johny-Quid$$$


    +support because many players while you trying to tie them with /me command they are running away or shooting you with their weapon
  7. Johny-Quid$$$

    New suits.

    Really cool suits +support for any new suits
  8. Johny-Quid$$$

    I am leaving the server for a long time

    You revived by a medic i thought that i dint even kill you because they killed me anyway this is not the reason i am leaving perpheads most importan is that admins dont respond to the report i am not talking for you and i got 2unfair bans to my ban record
  9. Johny-Quid$$$

    I am leaving the server for a long time

    No they finish me of with a bullet and tim you were there i am sure that you saw my dead body and about the demo why should i upload a demo the problem wont sold if i upload a demo.
  10. Johny-Quid$$$

    I am leaving the server for a long time

    I am leaving this server for many reasons. 1st Reason i was robbing the bank alone the door was closed and the swat shoots me with his sniper through the closed door i called an admin but he didnt respond probably admins got more important things to deal with.After 5mins i was climbing a trafick...
  11. Johny-Quid$$$

    Player Resets

    I think there is no point keep our cars because the people will sell their cars so they can earn money.Then they gonna add more geneticks with this money or they will spend the money in weapons i hope they will reset everything.But what happens to the VIP status ???
  12. Johny-Quid$$$

    Sell your car to another player

    I think it would be nice sell your car to another player because cars are very expensive For example a player wants to buy a car which cost 100.000 from the car dealer. I got the same car and i bored it so i want to sell it for a good price like(75.000) This will work with a new ncp at the car...