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I think "rope" as an item should be added which allows players to tie others, a bit like on Fearless RP/Applejack.
The player must be still and it takes 10 seconds for the player to tie the person. Even though the use of /me is good, this will make it easier and more realistic when role playing in the server.
And then another item should be added "scissors" which only can be used to cut rope.
Yes ind, no one has ever thought of this before... Please use the search...

Anyhow to cut ropes, could easily just make it right click with knife or machete, which also takes time. Obviously this has an effect on several systems, as well as needs a way to be balanced period, the 10 seconds may be fine, but I have a feeling people will constantly move just to avoid it to stall RP. Anyways, with how many checks we'd have to add for all things, this will be awhile before added, we have more pressing things atm.
Because then scissors can only be used for cutting rope than knifes, unless Fredy or Stephen made knives which could cut the rope by right clicking but yh anyway, maybe it wasn't such a good idea.
It's a good idea to stop failrpers by simply getting a gun out when they are tied up, even though you did /me ties jimmy's hands.
+support because many players while you trying to tie them with /me command they are running away or shooting you with their weapon
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