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  1. Death Howl

    Car crash rp with Testa and others

    You must really like that Evo. I do get in car crash rp sometimes but not very often because most just start their car and drive off. Its nice to see some people interested in serious rp.
  2. Death Howl

    So much for enjoying the update

    @Creepis has informed me on the shoutbox that fredy has found the cause and hopefully the lag spikes issues everyone is having will be fixed soon. I would like to thank everyone for helping out and if all goes well this thread will be closed and I will see you on the server.
  3. Death Howl

    Lag Spike Info Thread

    @Creepis has informed me on the shoutbox that fredy has found the cause of the lag spikes and hopefully it will be fixed soon. Well im getting ready to file for reinstatement into the PLPD already.
  4. Death Howl

    So much for enjoying the update

    Well guys I was expecting to get back into perp only to get plagued by the lag spikes which some of the community even staff members are suffering from. Due to this I cannot return to the server and I will not file a reinstatement for the PLPD. Even if I wipe every single byte from my computer...
  5. Death Howl

    Constant lagg spikes every second

    I have the exact same problem and I almost wrecked my car a few times.
  6. Death Howl

    Keep crashing when I join the server

    Have you tried deleting everything in the files located in the directory Program Files(86)/Steam/steamapps/common/garrysmod/garrysmod/download Delete everything in the folders Materials Models Particles Resources Sound If you want to delete perp specific things I think you need to look for...
  7. Death Howl

    Lag Spike Info Thread

    Hello guys I have like many others been getting lag spikes effecting my gameplay severely but I have wondered how many are being effected and how. I have created this thread to ask anyone effected to come forward and share their experiences with the lag spikes and hopefully find a fix that will...
  8. Death Howl

    Tis but a shame

    I would gladly be on the server but like many others we are suffering from lag spikes. Soon as the server is fixed/updated then the player count should rise because why would you stay on the server when you can't move 5 seconds without a lag spike or two.
  9. Death Howl

    Well im back on the forums but on the server lag spikes are hitting me hard. Im not sure how...

    Well im back on the forums but on the server lag spikes are hitting me hard. Im not sure how many are known to experience these lag spikes.
  10. Death Howl

    You could have just asked they probably would have given it to you. Well done anyway buddy I...

    You could have just asked they probably would have given it to you. Well done anyway buddy I wish I could get on the server and see you in action once again but these lag spikes prevents me from doing alot.
  11. Death Howl

    10.4 Insult of an LEO

    How is this not a law already. This is abused so people can call officers everything under the sun and get away with it so all it does it make being a officer more stressful. In the UK we have verbal abuse laws, Anti-Social Behavoral Orders and some I might not know. We need this law to...
  12. Death Howl

    The new wave of bans for ramming into something

    Seriously? The police are put in many situations and need to take necessary action. The longer a pursuit is or the longer it takes to arrest a suspect the more lives at stake. Long as the officer does not put anymore than his own life and the suspects at risk it can be considered. It is part of...
  13. Death Howl

    [Awaiting decision] [Suggestion] Rule 3.5

    I agree with this but consider if this person becomes not only a LEO but the highest ranked on duty who would arrest him? Considering how most people who do this are low or non ranked it should not be a problem but its possible.
  14. Death Howl

    [Suggestion] Removing 3.14

    If you think removing this rule is okay perhaps you should ask a dispatcher before you do. Back when I was a dispatcher about one third of calls were prank calls and I could not do anything else during a call so imagine if people could do it constantly. If prank calls are unrestricted it will...
  15. Death Howl

    [Awaiting Decision] [SUGGESTION] 2.8 discussion

    I have never heard of anything like this happening but I believe this would make most uncomfortable to even consider roleplaying in detail. I believe that this kind of roleplay only attracts trolls and can get out of hand. Plus who wants to do something like that on a game that can have a young...
  16. Death Howl

    Dreadful lagspikes

    I am also getting hit by the lag spikes making the server almost unplayable for me. I would like to see a poll regarding if players want the update to be pushed back or not since its effecting so many of us.
  17. Death Howl

    [CLOSED] Anyway to reduce the current lag spikes?

    Upon returning to the server I have had these spikes every 5 seconds, no matter what I did nothing helped. I was hoping to come back and enjoy the server but due to this moving around is almost impossible.
  18. Death Howl

    [Suggestion] Change to Rule 3.4

    We should allow killing in public? I think you forgot where paralake is dude. You need to consider CCTV, witnesses etc and not just go and kill someone wherever you want. What will you suggest next being able to set stores on fire because they dont have what your looking for? You need to...
  19. Death Howl

    why can we not post "offensive " jokes in SB

    What is this roblox? The shoutbox is used at times to express feelings of almost anything and yes it can get out of hand. But this shoutbox is a main part of the forums and one of the first things people see when visiting. Perhaps if the rules of the shoutbox were more defined to what is...
  20. Death Howl

    What was your first perspective on PERP?

    Joining for the first time on evocity. "How is everyone this friendly with rules like these, fuck DarkRP" Joining for the first time on paralake. "Why is everyone so salty what is this gangwars RP?" Perpheads has changed since I first joined. The rules in a good way, the people err nope.
  21. Death Howl

    How to play without being banned?

    I have been around since evocity and I know that most bans are due to violent actions against other players (Raids etc.) That being said if you avoid unnecessary risks and keep your emotions in check it can help alot but there is one term I have. There is no point knowing the rules if you do...
  22. Death Howl

    The C word

    Im used to insults like this and I admit I really hate it. But targeting my family with this will need a ban just to get me to back off since I have zero tolerence when its targeted against the people closest to me. We have gone through this before and I don't wish it to happen to anyone...
  23. Death Howl

    PLPD Badges IRL?

    Puts on the PLPD Patrol badge. Gets arrested for attempting to impersonate a police officer.
  24. Death Howl

    The Bratva-Applications

    In game Name: James Anders OOC Name: Death Howl Why do you want to join the organization: I used to be a member of Montreal Family since then I have been looking for a organisation. I am a weapon salesman and I have supplied orgs with weapons in the past. Money: 330k Vehicles: Mercedes E63 AMG...
  25. Death Howl

    May is a mighty month...

    I would not only like to see new jobs but perhaps improvements to jobs that are barely used. I will make my own thread with ideas on what to do with some of the jobs. I would like to see some more weapons like crossbows, compound bows, slingshots maybe even improvised weapons like screwdrivers...
  26. Death Howl

    Dispatchers Read This

    You do realise the fact of such things as partners? Dispatchers make choices they believe are effective sometimes we assign differently for a very good reason. Now as both a Dispatcher, PTA and Sergeant I recognise the importance of partners and I strongly disagree with this.
  27. Death Howl

    Thoughts about the future?

    Im looking to get into retail but my real hopes are becomming a computer technician. But that won't happen with an american billionaire with a name related to british slang and his finger on the fire button. So all things considered I think im doing well for now. But if anyone has a problem...
  28. Death Howl

    Ermak's Driving School

    Everyone in paralake takes after what most americans can't do, turn It was only a matter of time before someone actually tried teaching people how to drive perhaps you could teach the medics who crash into me everytime on the highway bend.
  29. Death Howl

    April Fools

    I remember these sort of rules back in evocity, im probably gonna get banned a second time for reversing into someone. Switch the map to evocity, promote Alex :D to senior admin and allow setting stores on fire for the true vintage perpheads experience.
  30. Death Howl


    Try disabling addons. Make sure nothing in the background is interfering. Start singleplayer first then try. Run file check/Defrag.