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  1. Maia

    Server Suggestion Add a outline to every text box on the new ui.

    The dim setting fixed this
  2. Maia

    Server Suggestion Message sound

  3. Maia

    Server Suggestion Cause shotgun bullets to cause bleeding out quicker

    Doing this would be against 3.4 D:
  4. Maia

    Server Suggestion [Suggestion] Chests

    Just label them :)
  5. Maia

    Server Suggestion Have a key to cancel crafting

    will be live soon
  6. Maia

    Mate, I dont even know how to do this, had to wait for modelers, @Ezza made them a while ago and...

    Mate, I dont even know how to do this, had to wait for modelers, @Ezza made them a while ago and we were about to implement.. Now, L
  7. Maia

    You've been begging for org prize and I was ready to deliver... but since you can't stop zerging...

    You've been begging for org prize and I was ready to deliver... but since you can't stop zerging I guess this will be scrapped so I can leak....
  8. Maia

    Server Suggestion Tv loop button

    I don't even have to look for the threads.. the forums propose "Similar Threads".. 10 seconds reading them and you would see its a duplicate
  9. Maia

    Server Suggestion Able to cancel a Mixture by pressing C
  10. Maia

    Server Suggestion add key bind
  11. Maia

    Server Suggestion Change the Nerf to the AS50

    Kinda sums it up, I think the changes made to the movement made a positive change to the entire shootout meta. Simply increasing stamina consumption will not have the same effect as it will still allow people to pick corners then hold while recovering.
  12. Maia

    Bug Report (ORG tripple illuminated sign - BUG)

    This used to happen because whenever players in the org spawned one of the org props then left the server they were never actually sent back to org storage but simply removed. This has been fixed and should be live in a couple of days
  13. Maia

    Server Suggestion Planter changes

    what recent changes?
  14. Maia

    what was your first concert?

    I did, but not of relevance compared to this one.
  15. Maia

    what was your first concert?

  16. Maia

    Model Suggestion 2 Layer Clothing

    new clothing items will be added, not necessarily this
  17. Maia

    Server Suggestion Add a musket

  18. Maia

    Model Suggestion Brass knuckles and boxing tape to replace fists

    real man fight with fists
  19. Maia

    Map Suggestion Bazaar Shop Redesign

    v6 coming, this will change, maybe, who knows
  20. Maia

    Server Suggestion Cars for secret service

    *gets pictures of a single country in the continent and the only one who left the EU* I feel offended
  21. Maia

    CM rogue says howdy

    This guy is a fraud. I think its time I release this... Metagaming on discord Running across intersection Laughing about it
  22. Maia

    Amazing signature

    Amazing signature
  23. Maia

    Congratulations friend :) I am happy

    Congratulations friend :) I am happy