Search results

  1. Garret_Pp

    Yes you were won or the better newbies ok the force.

    Yes you were won or the better newbies ok the force.
  2. Garret_Pp

    I miss you all <3

    I miss you all <3
  3. Garret_Pp


  4. Garret_Pp

    Garret's Goodbye

    EDIT PLAY THIS WHILE YOU READ Hey all! Remember me? I'll start with an explanation My recent inactivity has been due to a port issue, I literally cannot join any server with the port 27015. That is why I could join the cue server for but not the server. I worked with many people in real life...
  5. Garret_Pp

    [DS] Emergency Medical Services Department - Division Suggestion

    For one, already suggested before won't see he light of day until PD is finished. For two I would probably have a system of physicians as well with this as the higher ranks (kinds of like supervisors) as in real medical systems that's how it works. Emts get people to the hospital and deal with a...
  6. Garret_Pp

    Server Won't Show UP

  7. Garret_Pp

    Server Won't Show UP

    Hey Guys I'm having a bit of an issue..... The server will not show up on my history, favorites, legacy browser, etc. Also, when I try to direct-connect to it, I am not able to. It just says it doesn't read it, I also cannot join off of a friend. HALP
  8. Garret_Pp

    Hostage Guide

    good job with the guide. P&P will have one over negotiations specifically when the handbook comes out but a few points to make: We can never let the hostage takers leave in a situation. They are too dangerous to be let out on the street obviously and as the police you have the most negotiating...
  9. Garret_Pp


    The Paralake Medical Association would like to send out deepest condolences to those who have been killed by this cancer in the past. We would also like to offer free treatment at any of our offices to those who have battled or are currently battling this cancer. We understand it is a problem...
  10. Garret_Pp

    Finals Absence

    Hey Guys I will be inactive over this week and most of the next. I have finals for both weeks ending next Wednesday I believe as well as I work at the hospital all this weekend. My best to all of ya.
  11. Garret_Pp

    reform 3.1

    Rejected This issue was discussed in the creation of the law and it was determined that without an officer's statement it would be almost impossible for most arrests to occur. An officer's testimony is what many cases rest on as well in real life. As an officer of the PLPD you should recognize...
  12. Garret_Pp

    I can't tell guy guys anything.

    I can't tell guy guys anything.
  13. Garret_Pp

    'Right to Arrest' and 'Right to Charge'

  14. Garret_Pp

    'Reasonably Believes' Law Definition

  15. Garret_Pp

    [Discussion] Armed Robbery 9.8

    Don't forget to add these few. The law already covers this issue. Policing and Policy deem it unnecessary to add this law when it is already covered.
  16. Garret_Pp


    I will miss you my son :( You were always a fun player but you've always been a good rp'er so good luck but I am sorry that you're going. Don't forget to turn in your tenure or resignation for the PLPD :D
  17. Garret_Pp

    [Discussion] Backseat moderating

    As staff we actually do have private forums in which we develop consensus opinions on the rules to help ensure we keep or opinions similar and our judgements similar and not arbitrary. We of course couldn't make this public because the opinions often differ until we finish and may involve...
  18. Garret_Pp


    My hair is shorter now and I starved myself for a few weeks :D
  19. Garret_Pp

    PerpHeads Community Awards 2016 - Vote!

    It's like we've all forgotten about Head Sweater JustFedorable
  20. Garret_Pp

    PerpHeads Community Awards 2016 - Vote!

    @Walker for Best Shooter @Bean Can for Best School Shooter
  21. Garret_Pp


  22. Garret_Pp

    Ha Fredy I am just as happy about it as you are :)

    Ha Fredy I am just as happy about it as you are :)
  23. Garret_Pp

    The facts are right. But the interpretation of them is as surface as 'they were in politics...

    The facts are right. But the interpretation of them is as surface as 'they were in politics before they must be establishment, Trump is a sellout'. STOP and give the guy a damn chance, I'm out.
  24. Garret_Pp

    So you expect him to just appoint people who know nothing about politics? He is appointing those...

    So you expect him to just appoint people who know nothing about politics? He is appointing those who stuck with him and his ideals to change the system for the better. Pence shares in his ideal as well as everybody else. Gingrich has been a long time avid supporter of government reform and...
  25. Garret_Pp

    The fact is trump won so everybody needs to stop taking out their anger and acting like cry...

    The fact is trump won so everybody needs to stop taking out their anger and acting like cry babies and give him a damn chance. He was elected and if he screws up okay if he does well great. But remember even the act of getting him elected alone has caused markets to soar to LITERALLY record...
  26. Garret_Pp

    Even people like Newt or Rudy are very positive for the administration even if they are...

    Even people like Newt or Rudy are very positive for the administration even if they are insiders. He needs people who know the system and aren't owned by it. As for the businesses: who knows better how to effectively manage employees and funds than a corporate executive? You chose a classically...
  27. Garret_Pp

    I mean it helps that I just leave my Garry's mod open in the background while I sleep or am at...

    I mean it helps that I just leave my Garry's mod open in the background while I sleep or am at work or school. But yeah sure interpret it as I waste my life away :D
  28. Garret_Pp

    RR on Shotguns

    The scene was completely witnessed by me and I can attest that the shotgun was his. Please provide a link to the RR in a report in game for senior administration to deal with.
  29. Garret_Pp

    Trump or Clinton?

    Schools and roads and public services were all still paid for. Get your facts straight. He only did not pay FEDERAL income tax, he still paid state an local which pays for schools, roads, public services, etc. Even it pays for the state military (National Guard). He did not pay a federal income...