Search results

  1. Garret_Pp

    Trump or Clinton?

    I could sit here and argue for hours saying how if I have any of your a million dollars I'd like to see you turn it into a company with billions in assets still going strong. Or that most new businesses fail...
  2. Garret_Pp

    Garret, Cole, Shadowjoey, Chase, and Racxes

    Thank you very much Pestam for your support. You've always been a fun player and a wonderful 'son'. Glad to keep you on.
  3. Garret_Pp

    New Police Shotgun - The Suggestion

    I use my pistol exclusively now because I find it way more useful than our current shotgun. We need a change. Make PERPheads great again
  4. Garret_Pp

    Deathmatch Queue server

    +support I do think a con is that some people would spend more time in the que server than other but it's a good idea. Make it to where VIPs would get certain privileges to further encourage donations (like perhaps attachments or certain weapons) and of course we can't just have chaos at spawn...
  5. Garret_Pp

    Staff queue skipping in the queue server.

    I would be up for a staff option to "top que" when we get in there. This would be so if staff was needed we could judge whether or not we needed in faster. Otherwise we would be like a regular player in the que. But an automated system that only puts us at the top if there are less than 4 or 5...
  6. Garret_Pp

    Java Coding Stuffz

    I'm coding a test in Java. This is just for fun, got bored, started coding, hit a rut, fixed said rut, now we are here. Anyway I am just wondering what you guys think of my basic B-Level code. :D MAIN CLASS import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Scanner; public class Quiz { public...
  7. Garret_Pp

    After his posts on reddit? HA

    After his posts on reddit? HA
  8. Garret_Pp

    Garret Pierzchajlo

    Thank you so very much, I don't get these a lot but it is nice to know I am appreciated. I will say it is my job to write those guides but I still love to do it. P.S. Don't worry about the quotes. I quote all the time too. But they are usually intimidating quotes from House of Cards.
  9. Garret_Pp

    Better late than never...

    Nice to meet you Fredrick. You've been a valued member of the community and I thank you for staying with us. Hard to believe anybody still questions who you are.
  10. Garret_Pp

    M4 refund

    Accepted Please contact a senior admin or above in gave with an 'f6' report that contains a link to this refund request to receive your "x1 M4 Assault Rifle with a Suppressor FULLY LOADED"
  11. Garret_Pp


  12. Garret_Pp

    dude i can't sing worth shit why not embrace it. #fun

    dude i can't sing worth shit why not embrace it. #fun
  13. Garret_Pp

    Garret Singing

    i sounds aids but at least i can cook yss
  14. Garret_Pp

    What do you guys do as job

    I go to university and work as a medical assistant (i am getting my MD). Here are some wonderful pictures from work (sorry about the long hair in some it was a phase)
  15. Garret_Pp

    AR on Liam Newman

    When speaking to Liam in the sit regarding this situation it seems now that he had a DIFFERENT audi and he actually was speaking about a different situation that we all construed as the same situation. Thankfully this is sorted now but I am sorry to tell you that, in this instance, we cannot be...
  16. Garret_Pp

    So did I ;-;

    So did I ;-;
  17. Garret_Pp

    reccomendation and stuff

    It's nice to see my youngins growing up
  18. Garret_Pp

    The Journey of a Report

    import java.util.Scanner; public class Report { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner scan = new Scanner(; System.out.println("Did you receive a report? (Yes or No)"); String response = scan.nextLine(); if...
  19. Garret_Pp

    Recommendation of ShadowJoey

    Yes +Support Role play harassed me and MrLewis for his gun back after an officer had confiscated it as police. He followed us. For TWO HOURS. (You better have been role playing that too :| )
  20. Garret_Pp

    Just happy to hear that I'm growing on you :D

    Just happy to hear that I'm growing on you :D
  21. Garret_Pp

    bbe noooo

    bbe noooo
  22. Garret_Pp


  23. Garret_Pp

    SWAT Marksmanship

    Police already all get +35 marksmanship. If you want to be good on SWAT work on it off duty. I use a pistol A LOT so I got lvl 62 pistol marksmanship and then +35 on duty. If you want a good level you will need to get it yourself. Besides SWAT are commonly so close that is doesn't matter their...
  24. Garret_Pp

    Chris Andrews

    Seriously have seen medic Chris ordering around officers and they listen. He has a unique way of taking command and earning respect. 10/10 player, 11/10 moderator, hopefully 12/10 admin.
  25. Garret_Pp


    Good job driving on the right side of the road for once lol. Seriously though the Fedorable is a pretty cool dude. We have had a rough start generally due to faults of my own but I really do admire his competency and ability.
  26. Garret_Pp

    "I thought I was warranted"

    I have to say that if people know they are wanted they will be much harder to catch. We often catch wanted persons because they do not know they are wanted. For example, if they know they are wanted they will be less likely to buy a house or fall for one of my world famous "Hey dude wanna hang...
  27. Garret_Pp

    See you in a bit

  28. Garret_Pp

    AR on ijokerxo

    What I saw was DNA saying that the complainant above had murdered the victim in question. I left the scene to Sgt. Costello because, as you can see in the later events, I had to chase a recklessly driving car. I think the prison sentence was a little excessive I would have probably put you in...
  29. Garret_Pp

    Perpheads has changed. And into the worse sadly.

    To comment on this since it seems I sparked it: 1) If you wanted to make a complaint about the person disconnecting state it more directly and do not mention it in passing. But even if you mentioned it directly I still do not have enough evidence to act on it because I am an enforcer. I have no...
  30. Garret_Pp

    Literally the fastest investigation and interview

    Literally the fastest investigation and interview