AR on ijokerxo

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Cyka Blyatsi / Nicky O-Neill

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: [PH] ijokerxo / Tomas Costello

His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:114206148

Why Should This Player Be Punished:

As a high ranked officer of the force; Tomas arrested me for 10 years because I got in a fun little fight with my IC brother. Me and my brother had a little brawl, he then got a bottle and swung it at me until I put him schleep. After that I immediately called emergency services over to get him revived. When the police arrived, they were suspicious of me for my previous crimes. The police knew of the evidence that I was attacked with a bottle and I used less than proportionate force to defend myself. Due to no medics on, my brother died.
And I got arrested for 10 years because I defended myself from a bottle-wielding drunk, then immediately called services over when I had it situated?
He says I don't have any proof that I was defending myself, but there's no proof that I didn't, I had the scars and damage to prove it, and if I wanted to murder my own brother I wouldn't have called the emergency services for assistance.

While I was being arrested, Costello cuffed both of his assisting officers for a "game" of "Who's going to jail" as seen in the video. I personally don't see this being very professional and/or mature for the police rank Costello has earned, not to mention that the player is running for enforcer, currently.

Evidence (Demo Required):
right so we turn up and see a dead body, we get dna from the body and came back as you, u said that u defended ur self yet we had no evidence to prove that, all we had was that you killed a man, ask @Garret_Pp as he also dna the man.
regarding the cops it was a bit of fun, its was not harming any one was it, you can ask them if you would like and they would say they was not effected by it
[DOUBLEPOST=1475631991,1475631867][/DOUBLEPOST]also i do not recall seeing ur call, i just recall seeing people at bazzar next to a dead body, i may of missed it, and if i did my bad
What I saw was DNA saying that the complainant above had murdered the victim in question. I left the scene to Sgt. Costello because, as you can see in the later events, I had to chase a recklessly driving car. I think the prison sentence was a little excessive I would have probably put you in for less time. Still we can't even see who started the fight because you started the video in the middle of the fight (your fists were already raised and there was already blood on the floor). All we saw was a body with DNA matching you and no clear evidence you were defending yourself. Even the glass shards could have been from your "brother" defending HIMSELF. I defend this arrest

Apart from the main issue and with the presented evidence it seems both unreasonable put your lives in danger breaking 3.4. You can't just expect to have a fun "little brawl" and just expect medical to come revive either of you without facing any sort of consequence. Personally I would have warned you both for 3.4 (Putting your life at risk) and 2.1 (Play realistically) if I had heard this whole situation.
When I arrived on the scene with Garret after recieving a 911 call saying that you got into a tussle with your brother and needed medical assistance I arrived on scene ready to provide first aid. Upon seeing Tomas on scene already and a dead body, I quickly realized that it was more than just a tussle. The only evidence we had was that you killed a man, and there was no real way of proving that it was in self defense. You can't just say in this AR that you were RPing as drunk and that we should have known that and not brought you to jail. I have to take the side of Tomas on this one. For murder he could have also given you a 10k ticket. I left the scene before he was put in jail, but from what I am seeing Tomas does not deserve to be banned or demoted.

As stated various times in this thread, this would be much more suitable for a police complaint, considering it's a case of misconduct and unprofessionalism from Tomas.

I'm not sure if the template is similar, or if I'm actually able to just move this to police complaints, so just PM me to move it if I am actually able to. (I dunno how the system works for Police Complaints).
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