Search results

  1. Illuminathan


    The one to the right looks exactly like my ex girlfriend...
  2. Illuminathan


    I want to recommend @MrWoLfX for his good work in the PD, his always high spirit, and motivation!
  3. Illuminathan

    guide; on how to keep ur gf with Daigestive

    TL:DR - Dai calls me - I pick up the phone - Dai tells me someone kissed his gf and needs help - I drive my moped from denmark, over the water and to england - I meet up with Dai - Dai points out which one it was - I stab him 73 times - Dai cries because it was so violent - I hug Dai - Dai is...
  4. Illuminathan
  5. Illuminathan

    Update Log - 27/05/2018

    Perpheads customized tanks yes?
  6. Illuminathan


    @TinySlayer where'd my 'TinyNathan' go? No love to me anymore?
  7. Illuminathan

    my demotion

    How cute, you love me so much you write my name down :D
  8. Illuminathan

    my demotion

    I change my name to Demote Daymom and 1 day after, this happens
  9. Illuminathan

    Should the whole community get banned?

    If the poll gets over 100 'yes' then the whole community will get banned., and Fredy will quit McDonald. If no, Fredy will continue being fat
  10. Illuminathan

    Lad os lige se Fury

    Lad os lige se Fury
  11. Illuminathan

    Battlefield V

    Battlefield Vietnam War, yes?
  12. Illuminathan

    He's shooting a cop for punching you

    He's shooting a cop for punching you
  13. Illuminathan


    Miss the beef we had, goodbye welsh man
  14. Illuminathan

    TFU - still has head armour?

    This is perp
  15. Illuminathan

    TFU - still has head armour?

    Do you ever see a tactical police force say "fuck it" and storm a building forgetting their helmet so they are an easy target