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  1. SomeUser


  2. SomeUser


  3. SomeUser

    [ATTACH] Thank god for that I don't have to deal with that (thanks for the birthday wishes)

    Thank god for that I don't have to deal with that (thanks for the birthday wishes)
  4. SomeUser

    TY man

    TY man
  5. SomeUser


  6. SomeUser

    Happy bday

    Happy bday
  7. SomeUser

    Action Request (Meeladeenoveech)

    Also was marine that recommend AR as shown hear
  8. SomeUser

    Action Request (Meeladeenoveech)

    Your Steam Name: SomeUser Your Roleplay Name: Tyrone Morris Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:128542935 Player's Steam Name: Meeladeenoveech Player's Roleplay Name: Majija Miladinovic Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:223360147 Why should this player be punished?: Failed to adhear to 3.4 not putting...
  9. SomeUser

    Tier 1 TFU Update Discussion

    so SoonTM
  10. SomeUser

    Tier 1 TFU Update Discussion

  11. SomeUser

    Ban Apology (TYMON007)

    Involved / Reported There is no misunderstanding, You clearly stored your weapon under GP and thought that saying your broke is a way to get out of it, you have learned nothing
  12. SomeUser

    Skin support

    Get a new skin lmao it was a problem with the branch and the way the VMT's work with diffrent branches, thats what i got out of it, in the end i just got a diffrent skin made
  13. SomeUser

    Skin support

    yea its sorted ty
  14. SomeUser

    Thank fuck hes gone, Took them long enough to demote (o7)

    Thank fuck hes gone, Took them long enough to demote (o7)
  15. SomeUser

    happy birthday my guy

    happy birthday my guy
  16. SomeUser

    Chinese Cyber Attack

    作为一名中国人,我认为这是对我们伟大领袖习近平的极大不尊重 中国政府将扣除此人400个社会信用分,并将其送往俄罗斯的古拉格进行再教育
  17. SomeUser

    something i wanted to say long time ago

    Tell that to the shrapnel in my bulletproof police vest :( Fair play tho
  18. SomeUser


    Leaf muncher
  19. SomeUser


  20. SomeUser

    Biggest rule breaker got enforcer GG (for legal reasons this is a joke but congrats all the same)

    Biggest rule breaker got enforcer GG (for legal reasons this is a joke but congrats all the same)
  21. SomeUser

    oh god who gave him Smod, Undeserved (congrats man)

    oh god who gave him Smod, Undeserved (congrats man)
  22. SomeUser

    The Mathematics of Gambling - Public Awareness

    Fuck sake @Fredy u broke the man
  23. SomeUser

    Skin showcase

    Had to spend a mill somehow so I had 2 new skins made TY again @AceAbo Still hunt - "There are too many ways to kill someone who needs killing." M24 sniper Monte Carlo - "There will always be paths to tread and methods to try. Roll with it."
  24. SomeUser

    GG took u long enough

    GG took u long enough
  25. SomeUser

    Ban Apology (Headline)

    Involved again I don't think you do, you and your friends actively do this all the time, you never learn from it, while my mic did not work short while to no fault of my own, I still had my gun pointed at your dome and u did not stop to think of why is this cop GP'ing me, as for you, you do not...
  26. SomeUser

    Who gave it back to this guy :penguin: Congrats

    Who gave it back to this guy :penguin: Congrats
  27. SomeUser

    Ban Dispute (Headline)

    But you should value your own life which you clearly did not, and my tenical difficulties should not influence you braindead actions to run your mouth while i have a M16 aimed at you
  28. SomeUser

    Ban Dispute (Headline)

    So i ask you the first time and you stand there like a complete and utter melon, questioning why ect, my mic gliched the second time but I assure u I was asking. Fact remains though you where acting like a complete idiot, you actively tried to argue with me constantly, with an M16 pointed...
  29. SomeUser

    Ban Dispute (Headline)

    Reported you / directly involved. So I point A gun to your friends, I tell you too leave when I take your friends guns unknown to me at the time that they where used in a crime till told otherwise, Then the fact you continue to linger around the scene when I told you to leave directly putting...
  30. SomeUser

    Skin showcase

    Tell that to my over 10,000 hours on there