Tier 1 TFU Update Discussion

I still think adding craftable civ medium armour would make sense. Have it be equippable and bodygrouped to the player model so cops can see if someone has a vest on, and make it be illegal to wear in public, so there's some kind of trade-off. Criminals can either get that extra few seconds of hesitation where a cop has to figure out if they're a combatant or not, or they can have the extra armour to help against muh shomtgun cops.

Your thoughts @ALOO89 ?
if you think about it in 1 way its good idea but

think about it like that

you are going to raid someone with and you have armor and the people you are raiding have armor also the cops that you going to go in shootout with them have armor its going to be more aids

now think about new players/poor players how they will be if they want to raid
now think about new players/poor players how they will be if they want to raid
Certainly it's gonna be an advantage for those using armour vs those who aren't when it comes to a head to head gunfight, but you already have that with any kind of raid utility, such as grenades, better guns, more people, etc. so I can't see it changing the meta that much for crim vs crim. Also it would depend on the implementation. Perhaps making armour fairly cheap to craft, something like 3-5k per vest, and legal for use on private property would make it a little easier for newer players to get it.
already have that with any kind of raid utility, such as grenades, better guns, more people
Aside from more people, few listed elements barely influence the "crim meta" while armor will have a much greater impact regardless of its points
Armor will have a much greater impact regardless of its points
The idea is that it would be a trade-off though, similar to how some people opt for concealable weapons so they can blend in better, some might opt for not using armour for the exact same reason. That armour would be visible from a long way off, and make positive target identification much easier for officers, similar to how officers are easily identifiable from farther away due to their silhouette. I feel like increased survivability for criminals is something that would make crim more fun to play, and at the same time, make it less frustrating for cops who aren't sure who may or may not be a combatant in a confusing situation.
A more obvious visual distinction between rtfos and tier two tfos would be nice, especially if heavy gear, that way you know who's who
Just wanted a discussion relating the new TFU Update to see everyone's views and opinions on it.
The fact officers below senior can get it is nonsense to me; there should be higher requirements; at least make it senior+ so we won't see people not knowing what to do. I have seen people who have only 10-12 hours on PD become TFO's, and its hell. I am RTFO as myself too, but I at least know what to do.
4? They’re trying to balance the PD, not litter the streets with their bodies Everytime a house alarm goes off. I preferred 6, but 5 is still a nice number for me. This is something that is a complete compromise on the whole “nerf PD” debate and between this and reducing RTUs combat capabilities by reducing armour, the nerf PD crowd is already winning, to ask for more of a nerf at this point would begin to delve from reasonable expectations of who the game favours. At the moment, it’s arguably the closest we’ve been to 50/50 in terms of balance for ages.

I am inclined to believe that this is going to be less of an issue for the time being given how populated the server is. When the incident commander rank is made available, I am inclined to believe that this could be less of an issue further, as having heavily experienced TFOs be granted access to a wider assortment of equipment could lead to a far more formidable opponent.

We can’t “Bring back” a practical for a role that’s never had one. Practical remains a core part of becoming Tier 2, and remains widely unchanged. We are definitely changing other aspects of the role before you receive your TFO certification practical assessment, but that aspect remains unchanged except for a few minor amendments.

You’re implying as if the limit before didn’t allow 8 TFOs who were fully equipped with automatic weapons and a 1 shot sniper wasn’t the case before. If anything part of that team being full of people who passed a theory exam, get less weapons and generally have less experience as TFU isn’t arguably a more balanced situation. As for shotgun cops, that number fluctuates and isn’t entirely reliable. If we could fix that, maybe suggest a Remington limit or a subsidiary option for a new long gun.

Taser remains a Tier 2 requirement because of the ability to patrol in light gear where it would be needed more. For tier 1, seeing as they’re supposed to be with a tier 2, it’s less necessary. In reality most recruits are going to be taser whitelisted regardless, as the role is easy to attain.

As a means of ensuring that all recruits are required to be led by a fully qualified TFO, the vehicles were removed from them to ensure this.
I confused "no taser ceritification" with "you must not have taser certification" because I'm braindead
Your feedback is appreciated, we are ironing out some final details on how we plan to modify the current setup and I will post here once all the details are confirmed
still waiting for that update to be release !