Search results

  1. rat

    Favourite part of Paralake V5?

  2. rat

    Community Interest in Updates

    AA12 and p90 please
  3. rat


  4. rat

    Ban Apology (Swaffle)

    @Collier gave me this to use idk what it does but I hope it helps
  5. rat

    Ban Apology (Swaffle)

    Punishment Type: Ban Punishment Subtype: Server Ban Appeal Type: Apology Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Swaffle How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Weeks Your Steam Name: weepiestwillow Your Roleplay Name: Willow Ratsworn Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:51339826 Why were you...
  6. rat

    this means war my friend, you've pissed me off....

    this means war my friend, you've pissed me off....
  7. rat

    Charlie sorle the groat

    Charlie sorle the groat
  8. rat

    What is your most succesful raid

    one time i walked into pd and then managed to break into the jail cells without anyone noticing it was very funny
  9. rat

    Chinese Cyber Attack

    The latest Chinese attack on British soil was when I ate some bad special fried rice and had the runs for days
  10. rat

    Rule Suggestion (5.3 Raiding)

    This suggestion is retarded regardless of what rule abuses caused it. You're basically saying "raids have to be done this way" and no other way. Using concealable weapons / being a bit sneaky are perfectly viable tactics. Let people do silly things!!!!!! Stop trying to make everything easy to...
  11. rat

    Police Suggestion Reduce the sentence for assault

    very nice but for balance reasons i would move knocking someone out to 9.2
  12. rat

    Police Suggestion Reduce the sentence for assault

    if a cop gives you a max assault ticket it's morally right to carbomb them
  13. rat

    Police Suggestion Reduce the sentence for assault

    2k years 2k fine for the first tier, the main point of this thread is to stop officers giving exorbitant tickets i can't lie. I'd honestly go 2/2k, 4/3.5k, 5/5k. Tho my concept is that petty assault is classified as anything that uses fists, while reckless endangerment / tier 2 comes into play...
  14. rat

    Police Suggestion Reduce the sentence for assault

    this is not a tenable long term solution to the problem
  15. rat

    Police Suggestion Reduce the sentence for assault

    hate to tell you but no one ever follows this and I've recieved multiple 5k tickets for a very minor assault, hence the concept of almost creating another tier of law to cover minor assaults so officers are further discouraged from doing this.
  16. rat

    Police Suggestion Reduce the sentence for assault

    Suggestion Title: Reduce the sentence for assault Suggestion Description: Reduce the sentence for assault because 5 years 5k for punching someone once is absurd and cringe Why should this be added?: Assault, while a violent crime, has a wide variety of different severities. Punching someone...
  17. rat

    Monkey's In Paradise Applications

    Wouldn't you like to know weather boy
  18. rat

    posting in forum

    me when mi6 ask me why im buying refined uranium: for fission
  19. rat

    Monkey's In Paradise Applications

    i would like to retract my application i am now part of the vault corp massiv order today and get rdm'd by me on delivery for free!
  20. rat


    wensleydale with little bits of cranberries in is absoloutely fire
  21. rat

    frig off rick

    frig off rick
  22. rat

    The Mathematics of Gambling - Public Awareness

    I don't think a 15 year old child who plays perpheads (important distinction from the general population,) is bothering to do any maths in calculating RTP I don't really agree with gambling in general, I get that it can be fun but when I was 16 I got into CS:GO gambling and developed an...
  23. rat

    The Mathematics of Gambling - Public Awareness

    This question has driven me to derangement (it was interesting to learn a bit about permutations thank you)
  24. rat

    The Mathematics of Gambling - Public Awareness

    This would be an interesting coding project I might give it a go, the possible outcome space is way too big and non-uniform to be able to work out by hand.
  25. rat

    The Mathematics of Gambling - Public Awareness

    The Mathematics of Gambling Greetings everypawdy, it's me, Willow Ratsworn, bringing you the low down on gambling from a mathematicians perspective. This post will be split into three parts, the theory, a theoretical example, and an applied example. The maths will be simple and easy to follow...
  26. rat

    *borat voice* my waif!!! very nice!!!!!

    *borat voice* my waif!!! very nice!!!!!
  27. rat

    Server Suggestion Let people get water from water coolers i see this has been suggested before
  28. rat

    Server Suggestion Let people get water from water coolers

    Suggestion Title: Let people get water from water coolers Suggestion Description: Let people press E on a water cooler to get a little bit of water to stay hydrated :) Why should this be added?: -hydration is important What negatives could this have?: -ruining the economy and driving big...
  29. rat

    what is your favorite warhammer faction

    I'll go first i love skaven, especially my silliest boy ikkit claw
  30. rat

    i love rats!!!!!!

    i love rats!!!!!!