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  1. Josef Stalin


    you man i don't even know who you are but i will beat you up bro
  2. Josef Stalin


    pasta.. niet shoarma
  3. Josef Stalin


    rutte is #NOT MY PRESIDENT!!!
  4. Josef Stalin

    Stupidest shit you’ve ever done

    you can't risk your own life as it would be a violation of rule 3.4. You will receive a 1 week ban
  5. Josef Stalin

    Stupidest shit you’ve ever done

    you are a good friend
  6. Josef Stalin

    The Omertas.

    A man murdered brutally today in the middle of bazaar! The victim seems to be from some small irrelevant crime organisation in Paralake Relatives from the victim claim that he always had a big mouth, and that this was coming for him... No suspects have been found yet.
  7. Josef Stalin

    The Omertas.

    Dear Omerta crime family, Your organisation colour reminds us of this emoji: This means we don't like you and we declare war on you. Kind regards, La Raton Laveur
  8. Josef Stalin

    Fuck Every Country Thread

    fuck anime
  9. Josef Stalin

    Small Update - 24/04/2020

    at least its not 5fps anymore
  10. Josef Stalin

    Stupid fucking mistakes man

    So, how much did you pay?
  11. Josef Stalin

    Small Update - 24/04/2020

    You call this a 'small' update but there are some very big improvements here in my opinion! thanks man
  12. Josef Stalin

    The Trapani rooftopbar

    Me and @Alliat present to you.... The Trapani Rooftopbar The Rooftop You can enter the rooftop bar from the business monorail station, easily accessible! The view you have on the crazy shootouts at bazaar, while eating some pasta calmly and drinking some beer Kind regards...
  13. Josef Stalin

    let's make a list of passiverp ideas?

    Makes the game way more interesting am i right
  14. Josef Stalin

    let's make a list of passiverp ideas?

    Maybe use the churches on both evo and paralake more for some good jesus rp? also @Alliat and i like to be creative when it comes to taking revenge on someone. Most of the time when you have a valid reason to murder someone you just stop his car and shoot him up. Me and Alliat rather ziptie and...
  15. Josef Stalin

    Legalising weed

    holy shit man, from trapani pasta to fucking hard drugs
  16. Josef Stalin

    Legalising weed

    you got me there
  17. Josef Stalin

    Legalising weed

    We used to secretly smoke weed at school during lunchbreak:cool: (nexto the windmill) Don’t legalize it tho, if you get something like goverment produced weed the quality is probably gonna suck.
  18. Josef Stalin

    Do cocaine revival

    Wait you actually can do cocaine? What effect does it give? why didn't i know this
  19. Josef Stalin

    Do cocaine revival

    I made this suggestion a long time ago (like 2016) and with the quarantaine situation and devs having some spare time i thought why not suggest this again. ( Main Idea: Making it possible to sniff cocaine Why should it be added?: So as...
  20. Josef Stalin

    Where your perp name came from

    The name Josef comes from my idol, Josef Stalin. The surname Trapani comes from me and my friends. We decided that we should have a similair name to rp as an italian crime family. Apart from me and Alliat there are roughly 7/8 other Trapanis that used to play a lot but stopped. If you remember...
  21. Josef Stalin

    Increased Prop Count for Honorary

    We used to have this problem at Trapani Pasta all the time. To really decorate the restaurant they way we wanted, we already needed 2 people just because of the prop limit. here is an image to give you an idea Don't forget that the food on the table also counts as props/dropped items. We had...
  22. Josef Stalin

    AR on Josef Trapani

    @Lucius Husky Gets shot at > watches brother die > gets gunpointed = enough reasons to fucking kill you, however i chose a legal way to save my ass. What i did was not risk my life for unnecesary reasons
  23. Josef Stalin

    AR on Josef Trapani

    @Jack P Who are you? are you involved? what do you mean he didnt shoot at me. Watch the vid
  24. Josef Stalin

    AR on Josef Trapani

    I was not helping cops it was for my OWN benefit to get you arrested. I also had legitimate reason to shoot you there but i chose a legal way as i explained in the accepted AR on you. For the last time, stop being so salty. Its bringing you nowhere
  25. Josef Stalin

    AR on Josef Trapani

    You really tried to make it look like i was just walking there and mug you out of the blue. I think, if you really are gonna make this salty ar, you should provide the whole story and not just a 14 seconds video my friend. To the staff member who has to solve this AR, here you can find the...
  26. Josef Stalin

    If you think i broke any rules feel free to make an AR boys, but don't bring this to my profile...

    If you think i broke any rules feel free to make an AR boys, but don't bring this to my profile as this is not the right place to discus this
  27. Josef Stalin

    AR 3.4 Lucius Husky

    You really dont understand perp. I was not after your M4 i was going to bring you to the PD
  28. Josef Stalin

    AR 3.4 Lucius Husky

    I was not mugging you. I wanted to make sure you were unarmed so i could safely tie you down to bring you to the PD. Perp is not just about cops & robbers, there is more to it so i would advise you to take situations like this more serious in the future
  29. Josef Stalin

    AR 3.4 Lucius Husky

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Josef/Josef Trapani His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Lucius Husky/ [-Core-] Daan Why Should This Player Be Punished: I was in a police car with my good friend Alliat. He was on duty however in roleplay we are brothers. In game i was also roleplaying as a private detective and...
  30. Josef Stalin

    The ERPtrators

    joe baggers would join