Search results

  1. John Doe

    The Armenian Mafia Applications

    OOC Information Steam name: John Doe Age: 20 Country: Denmark Are you active enough?: I play almost everyday for atleast 2-3 hours. Sometimes i play 10 lul. How long have you been on the server? I started playing on the server for almost 1 year ago. I got +3 weeks playtime IC Information...
  2. John Doe

    The Paralake Partnership Applications

    In-Game Name: Joe Pontoppidan Character's backstory: Moved from Nepal to Paralake after all earthquacks Character's age: 26 Age (15+, or until I know you are Mature enough): 20 Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:20840312 Steam name: John Doe Total Playtime: +3 weeks Do you Have VIP? : No but i had it alot of...
  3. John Doe

    Ban Request on Jon Pendididietannnanna

    Allright let me explain the whole situation. Evidence: If you watch from Tick: 68000 Then you can see me and my bud about to get some easy cash, it does not turn out as we planned but that dosen't mather right now. After the shoot out i...
  4. John Doe

    Ban Request 2.5

    You got us both sent to jail for a long time.
  5. John Doe

    Warning Request

    Take this into consideration. I know because of the game mod medics cant carry any weapons! But watched from the real world eyes, medic could carry as many weapons as a normal citizen.
  6. John Doe

    BR on john clausen and knud clausen

    We took the npc into consideration! John tied him up afterwards, another guy also showed up in the alley and we stole his gun. The reason why John killed you Eddie was because he told you to get on the ground and you choosed to turn around and point your ak directly at him. In his eyes it was...
  7. John Doe

    Ban request on Garett Woodfield and Amy Belinsky

    Garrett was so nice to upload this picture in another ban request. Here is 2 examples of him breaking 1.1 He is constanly being disrespectful, not only to me but to alot of players on the server. I really think this should come to a end soon! I...
  8. John Doe

    Ban request on Garett Woodfield and Amy Belinsky

    I like to +support at the ban request on Alex / Garrett Woodfield. He have been insulting me many times on the server, if you want a proof i can go get pictures and upload a demo. Also if you look in his ban request he made about me and sam, you can look though the comment section and you will...
  9. John Doe

    Sam davis & Knud Clausen

    Okay lets see. First of all. I already had my pistol in the hand and as you see in the demo. I got on the ground when you told me to and i did not open fire before you tried to flee behind the wall. Lets also remember i had my swat bud right behind me as backup. Cant see how i broke 3.4 here...
  10. John Doe

    refund on my mp5

    Your in-game name: Knud Clausen Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:20840312 Why do you want your item(s) refunded: I dont think it was quit fair. I just killed a guy and got in a huge police chase. We parket near the building regel apartments in a desperat attempt to run from the cops though the graveyard...
  11. John Doe

    The Outlaws

    Consider Knud Clausen as a enemy, and a war will soon break out!
  12. John Doe

    Handcuffing should take time.

    +support Should also be a 5 second timer on the ticket you put on the windshield.
  13. John Doe

    Remove bandage when you join police

    Topic: Remove bandage when you join the police Short explanation (in notes): Remove bandage when you join the police Detailed description (why should it become added/...): bandage should be removed when you join the police. The reason for this, is that you use your own bandage before you use...
  14. John Doe

    Server Update 5/2/2015

    Is it possible to add a longer view distance on the binoculars? Right now it only zoom, you cant see any further.
  15. John Doe

    Server Update 5/2/2015

    hmm dont hope this will cause troubles in my storage. I got like 2 empy slots left, and tons of guns with and with out ammo. - but thumbs up for the update! Finaly i can use my binoculars probaly
  16. John Doe

    Binoculars for SWAT!

    +Support for this And please update the binoculars so it actually give you a longer view distance
  17. John Doe

    Reduce afk kick time when server is full

    Topic: Reduce afk kick time when server is full. Short explanation (in notes): Kick players after 5min when there is 55-60 players online. Detailed description (why should it become added/...): I think the time afk timer should be reduced from the 10-15min to 5min, when the server is almost...
  18. John Doe

    Armenian Mafia applications

    OOC Information Steam name: John Doe Age: 20 Country: Denmark Are you active enough?: Yes Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:20840312 IC Information In-Game name: Knud Clausen Age: 25 Any cars you have: Mazda rx8 full engine boost, Ford transit van, Mini cooper Are you VIP?: Yes What would you...
  19. John Doe

    The org is closed my friend. Im sorry :)

    The org is closed my friend. Im sorry :)
  20. John Doe

    Xquality's Dev Log - also robber mask and the other looks like mob clothin (many people role play that their org is the mafia) dont know...
  21. John Doe

    Another spawn point for medics car

    would just be a very simple update. And i cant see why this should't be addet. Personally i think its annoying i have to tell the other medic to move his car before i can get one.
  22. John Doe

    Dropping items upon death

    It will affect new players to much, neutral support +/-
  23. John Doe

    Resting to regain stamina.

    +support I like this idea adds more realism
  24. John Doe

    When you die!

    Topic: When you die! Short explanation (in notes): When you die, (i mean when your screen turns black) Then you have to wait about 5min before u respawn. Make a room to wait in before you get teleported or spawned back in the city. Detailed description (why should it become added/...): What...
  25. John Doe

    Another spawn point for medics car

    Topic: Another spawn point for medics car Short explanation (in notes): Another spawn point for medics car could be at the other emergenzy parkin spot Detailed description (why should it become added/...): I just thinks it quit annoying, when i join as paramedic and i want a ambulance or a...
  26. John Doe

    Radio Wheel.

    Topic: Radio wheel Turn off radio button Short explanation (in notes): Edit the way you choose radio station, and add a button that directly turn off the radio Detailed description (why should it become added/...): I just thinks its kinda annoying when you want to hear Specific radio (just an...
  27. John Doe

    3x RDM | John Doe (Mohammed Abdul)

    Okay let me explain the situation, first of all thesse 2 guys just raidet my house about 10-15 min before i raidet theirs. So it was kinda a revenge raid. But First of all. I knew both of them had a gun earlier. I have been talking with them a few times and also seen them with a weapon. so i...
  28. John Doe

    Good Fellas

    Sorry for being inactive the last week, just had to fix somethings irl. I will be playing alot again in the next week, maybe the weekend. -Mohammed Abdul
  29. John Doe

    Good Fellas

    Members list updated -- Removed players there ain't playing anymore
  30. John Doe

    I am GOD!

    I am GOD!