Search results

  1. Torben Torben

    The Belinsky Family

    Now i just want to hide and never see the light of day again
  2. Torben Torben

    Light and speedometer for test cars

    Note: if this has been added since last I drove a test car then I am sorry can't research on the server because I am on my iPad Topic: Adding turn signals and speedometer to the test drive cars Short explanation (in notes): - Adding the turns light system to test cars - Adding a...
  3. Torben Torben

    Where do i apply for LT? Right her mate
  4. Torben Torben

    Paralake Sheriff's Department

    In Game Name: Gabriel Ross Steam Name: T46 | Torben Torben Phone Number: 477 6185 Time Played: 1 Week Edit: Takeing back this app sorry for any time wasted
  5. Torben Torben

    Escalade Police Cars

    Belive it has already been suggested Please use search function
  6. Torben Torben

    Looking through my bookmarks, and found this D;

    I have watched that like 5 times. Don't judge
  7. Torben Torben

    Supervisor needed for detective?

    Som of you might not know that this has been accepted, well it has. Now that that's out of the way, time to get to the real meat of this thread. Is police supervisor status going to be needed for the detective job? If the development and...
  8. Torben Torben

    Junior Member?

    Mmmmmmhh sweat sweat trophy points The only reason I have junior member is because my account is 1 year + old
  9. Torben Torben

    Steve Cockerel

    Janssoni can you give a demo as prof of you being chased by the cops?
  10. Torben Torben

    Glass Co & Parker Raid 18/1 - Bolli shreks the winning team

    Bolli is a hacker and we all know it, this is all the prof I need. Now I will call Gaben and Garry, to inform them of this hacker. Jk plz no ban :shamefullyembarrased:
  11. Torben Torben

    1911 to be available for use by Police.

    +support this might just be because I love the 1911. But I don't se a reason for it to not be available for normal officers
  12. Torben Torben

    A riot that occurred shortly today.

    Hey Thomas i killed 3 cops on my way in
  13. Torben Torben

    Inspire/Jerome Baller

    +support It's clear that inspire broke several rules in the videos, and this should not go unpunished. That being said you dit leave me and another suspect ( video 2 ) to the swat, and because of that theye let me a murdere go In the video you even hear officer Ben ask for prisoner transportation.
  14. Torben Torben

    A New Senior Administrator

    RAISE YOUR DONGERS TO HONOR MORON Ps we need donger raising emot
  15. Torben Torben

    CS:GO Tournament!

    Me and my team of fat Danish teens wil totally win
  16. Torben Torben

    Ban Request on Raul Menendez/Amy Kennedy

    I think you gave wrong tick
  17. Torben Torben

    Admin / Mod "Follower"

    Topic: A system where in a single player can follow a admin and or mod on duty. Short explanation (in notes): - A way for players to follow admins or mods when they are on duty. - - Detailed description (why should it become added): I believe this should be implemented because, it will give...
  18. Torben Torben

    Ban request on Alberta canerta & Shaniqa latiff (3.4)

    I just want to point out that i had them at gun point as well before I told Duffy to stop them I can't upload demo due to the demo being on another computer sorry
  19. Torben Torben

    Ban request and small admin complaint

    He dit the the /me Searches for everything AFTER you told him in ooc that i had a gun on me.
  20. Torben Torben

    La Cosa Nostra - Applications

    Ingame name: Gabriel Ross Steam Name: T46 | Torben Torben Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:29399079 Total playtime: "52.83" taken from gametracker i dont know what it means butt there its is...
  21. Torben Torben

    Ban request and small admin complaint

    Your Steam/In-game Name: T46 | Torben Torben / Gabriel Ross His/Her Steam/In-game Name: John Crixkrono His/Her SteamID: I dont know Reason: Breaking rule 3.24 ( MetaGaming ) Evidence:!SI4lTLzZ!q2Ex5bZYULNnqKP7M4JtvYA1-bHJRUm7-GIqTwNRGF0...
  22. Torben Torben

    The Firefighters of Paralake City.

  23. Torben Torben

    Perpheads Christmas

    Friends :(
  24. Torben Torben

    Santa Avatars

    I feel left out for not looking like Santa, dough my avatar I thing is easy to santafy. Do me plz;)
  25. Torben Torben

    Commonwealth Applications:

    OOC Info: Name:Thor Berger Age: 14 Country Denmark Time-zone: GMT +1 Do you have a microphone?: Yes How active are you on the server?: i play almost daily Steam Name (Optional): T46 | Torben Torben IC Info: Name: Gabriel Ross Age: 22 Country: Denmark Firearms skill: 11 What car do you own? Yes...