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  1. Robin Ljungberg

    Pistol shooting

    @Misel sluta nu, kommer efter jobb o skjuter ner dig med min glock 30
  2. Robin Ljungberg

    Current favourite songs [OFFICIAL]

    Pretty sure I posted something back in 2015 when the thread was started, but you weren't here then buddy, were you.
  3. Robin Ljungberg

    Current favourite songs [OFFICIAL]

    Ya'll got shit music taste
  4. Robin Ljungberg

    Weapons changes

    bring back 2014 fr
  5. Robin Ljungberg

    Might as well xd

    Might as well xd
  6. Robin Ljungberg

    CS:GO $hootage #13 watch and learn
  7. Robin Ljungberg

    ✮Traveling Vice Lords✮

    Been there done that stomper haha, bring us back to the good ol times <3
  8. Robin Ljungberg

    ✮Traveling Vice Lords✮

    Oh shit, you back here gay boy?
  9. Robin Ljungberg

    Sorry for

  10. Robin Ljungberg

    remove tfu or fix them

    people who can't aim for shit, join tfu for the armor so they have a chance of killing people.
  11. Robin Ljungberg

    Jail Break

    Doesn't beat this tho, sorry bud.
  12. Robin Ljungberg

    suck me arm

    suck me arm
  13. Robin Ljungberg

    La Cosa Nostra

    Happy to see it up and running even tho I’m not the one actively leading it <3
  14. Robin Ljungberg

    TFU Montage

    Yeah it's lit
  15. Robin Ljungberg

    its lit

    its lit
  16. Robin Ljungberg

    Olsen Applications

  17. Robin Ljungberg

    I quit boys, cya

    Thanks for letting me know, becuase I really care bud!
  18. Robin Ljungberg

    I quit boys, cya

    It worked
  19. Robin Ljungberg

    I quit boys, cya

    oh shit lmao
  20. Robin Ljungberg

    I quit boys, cya

    eh, the quitting part was a joke
  21. Robin Ljungberg

    I quit boys, cya

    exde, got you, shit montage maker back at you again with some dusty clips, enjoy. subscribe and sub plox
  22. Robin Ljungberg

    Swedish thread

    Fyfan vad du är bra eriko
  23. Robin Ljungberg

    Long time. No see

    Holy shit
  24. Robin Ljungberg

    leaving yet again

    was a pleasure meeting you bud, anytime.
  25. Robin Ljungberg

    Thanks, I totally didn't kick everyone, and who are you btw?

    Thanks, I totally didn't kick everyone, and who are you btw?
  26. Robin Ljungberg

    What’s your opinion on Curvy, thick or chubby girls.

    There’s curvy, and then there’s fat.
  27. Robin Ljungberg


    Lit hairline
  28. Robin Ljungberg


    Hey Alex, I really hope you enjoy your stay here at PERPHeads! Be sure to read the rules either here or in-Game, and if you ever need help I will gladly help you out. This can be very useful if you’re not used to the...