remove tfu or fix them

Well even though I want TFU to be nerfed it's really about the situation. For an example CS:GO is a lot more simple than PERP so there it would be easy peasy to see if something needs to be nerfed but in PERP every situation is different. In most situations TFU is too overpowered tho so nerfing TFU should be considered. It's just obvious it's too overpowered because it takes 2x more bullets than citizens to kill which makes 1v1ing a TFU nearly impossible.
Well even though I want TFU to be nerfed it's really about the situation. For an example CS:GO is a lot more simple than PERP so there it would be easy peasy to see if something needs to be nerfed but in PERP every situation is different. In most situations TFU is too overpowered tho so nerfing TFU should be considered. It's just obvious it's too overpowered because it takes 2x more bullets than citizens to kill which makes 1v1ing a TFU nearly impossible.
Personally, I think its a lot more balanced since the policy change that only 2 can patrol. Don't excpect to kill a tfu long-range when you have to hit them 6-7 times for then to hit you 2-3 times. sometimes you have to ( @Slayerduck ) PlAy SmARter and realise you need 2 people for every 1 tfu to compensate for armour. However, what I disagree with is 4 TFU patrolling when there's 1 warranted murderer. For me it has to be an active shootout or raid for more than 2 to gear up.
no matter what happens there's always going to be people complaining
It doesn't look like you even hit him, I see the bullet hit the wall behind but don't see any blood.
More likely a problem with hitreg and the tick rate rather then tfu being op
throw salt and vinegar in his eyes and kick him in the balls, much more effective.
going to hang a fridge above the door next time and just unfreeze it the moment they rush
The hitbox for TFU is alot smaller than the playermodel due to the TFU clothing being around 75% thicker than the actual hitbox. Maybe if they made the hitbox bigger, TFU wouldnt be impossible for new players to kill.

However, as much as it pains me to say it, the solid fact is NOTHING will be done about this. TFU will stay how it is and we're all gonna have to either pack up and play somewhere else or just live with it.