Search results

  1. Robin Ljungberg

    Decent Frag-Montage

  2. Robin Ljungberg

    Decent Frag-Montage

    Why wouldn’t I? You camped in the van for about 15 minutes before you grew the balls to hop out and help the officer I killed right infront of you.
  3. Robin Ljungberg

    Refund Request - Ljungberg

  4. Robin Ljungberg

    Decent Frag-Montage

    Y Yeah its literally just seven cut up clips, a song on top of it, made in 5 min. Hope it was enjoyable none less. I can put up a lot higher standard if I wanted to, but I ain’t that tryhard.
  5. Robin Ljungberg

    Decent Frag-Montage

    here what I put together so I could free some diskspace, enjoy.
  6. Robin Ljungberg

    Refund Request - Ljungberg

    Your in-game name: Robin Ljungberg Steam ID: What do you need refunded: Fully loaded m4 + red dot. Why do you want your item(s) refunded: cuz I got killed, and the ones who killed me got a warning for it. Evidence...
  7. Robin Ljungberg

    Weaboo crusaders

    This is the definition of aids.
  8. Robin Ljungberg

    Removal of Old Warnings

    The idea is good, but no. You have a record for a reason. And I’m pretty sure as people have already mentioned, if u haven’t been warned/banned for like 2-3 years it will have no effect in current time I’m prettty sure.
  9. Robin Ljungberg

    Welcome to the community buddy, if you need any help don’t hesitate to ask! Enjoy your stay :)

    Welcome to the community buddy, if you need any help don’t hesitate to ask! Enjoy your stay :)
  10. Robin Ljungberg

    Action Request | J. Johnson & R. Winfield by Ljungberg

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Ljungberg // Robin Ljungberg His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Jeremy Johnson & Ray Winfield His/Her SteamID: Jeremy Johnson <> Ray Winfield STEAM_0:1:29137926 <> STEAM_0:1:57076541 Why Should This Player Be Punished: These 2 individuals were walking around...
  11. Robin Ljungberg

    Shit aim Montage (NO MUMBLE RAP)

    Just wait for mine
  12. Robin Ljungberg

    Welcome to the community buddy, hope you enjoy your stay! Need any help at all, I will gladly...

    Welcome to the community buddy, hope you enjoy your stay! Need any help at all, I will gladly help you out :)
  13. Robin Ljungberg

    PLPD Bypass, how to get on the PLPD website

    Great, let me know if there's anything else I can help with :)
  14. Robin Ljungberg

    PLPD Bypass, how to get on the PLPD website

    Check this out; Click 'You May Continue' because that's just steam being silly.
  15. Robin Ljungberg

    Game crashes as soon as I load in

    What does it say as an Error?
  16. Robin Ljungberg

    La Cosa Nostra - Applications

    For Everyone's that have Applied If you have put an App in and haven't gotten an answer, it's because were full and I'm overwhelmed with applications. I will deal with them (Accept/Deny) them whenever I feel like I need more people recruited, until then just stand by and stop spamming me...
  17. Robin Ljungberg

    Update Log - 10/03/2018

    Looks fucking lit, a new way to powergrow, I love it already.
  18. Robin Ljungberg

    How to be american!

    delete, im very mean.
  19. Robin Ljungberg

    [Suggestion] Completly ban the placement of spotlights or any object on top of head level defences [Booklet Addition]

    Its cancer, literally. You can't see them at all, they can see you. Shouldn't be allowed at all.
  20. Robin Ljungberg I miss those days man <3 Been... I miss those days man <3 Been looking at your screenshots for an hour haha, good ol memories. Just wish I saved my screenshots from my old PCs a lot better.
  21. Robin Ljungberg


    Thanks man! I really appreciate that <3
  22. Robin Ljungberg


    Thanks man! It's my plessure really, love doing this kind of stuff, I really appreciate the Recommendation man, seriously <3
  23. Robin Ljungberg

    Shit Mini-Montage lol

    Literally got some shit clips today, and decided to fuck around in Sony Vegas and I just wanted to try the quality on YT, but enjoy the little montage lol. I will post a REAL Montage when im back in my Prime ;)
  24. Robin Ljungberg

    La Cosa Nostra

    UPDATED. 2018-03-04.
  25. Robin Ljungberg

    Your oldest/best screenshot

    Damn.... wish i had My PC from 2013-2015 now :/
  26. Robin Ljungberg

    La Cosa Nostra - Applications

    Apps are still open, but very limited. Wanna try and join? Find me In-Game.
  27. Robin Ljungberg

    La Cosa Nostra - Applications

    On-Hold, will deal with this when I got time.
  28. Robin Ljungberg

    La Cosa Nostra - Applications
