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  1. unscsnip3r

    Update Log 09/10/2023

    Absolute w update, especially with the new game potential at player ran casinos
  2. unscsnip3r


    Shit mate, sucks to see you go
  3. unscsnip3r

    Server Suggestion SS Spawn witth medical

    +1, I actually didnt learn about this until ezio mentioned it in passing- in fact same with firearms on that regard.
  4. unscsnip3r

    We need assistance!!!!

    If you havent post wastelanders, fallout 76 is actually great these days
  5. unscsnip3r

    Action Request (Sebas) initial arrest- I cant remember my exact voice, but it was on the lines of why you got a bat out
  6. unscsnip3r

    Action Request (Sebas)

    I did, report ID196- @sidd advised AR
  7. unscsnip3r

    Action Request (Sebas)

    Your Steam Name: unscsnip3r Your Roleplay Name: Chris Doen Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:155953203 Player's Steam Name: Sebas Player's Roleplay Name: Rhys Russo Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:546379429 Why should this player be punished?: Casual Homophobia, and generally just being toxic in...
  8. unscsnip3r

    Work in progress SS Handbook!

    Well this is akward, that page didnt actually load on mobile for me the first time
  9. unscsnip3r

    Work in progress SS Handbook!

    Some new players don't really see it. In fact I didnt see it until I started studying for taser.
  10. unscsnip3r

    Work in progress SS Handbook!

    Solid so far! might I suggest a Use for force guide? To help prevent more trigger happy SS incidents
  11. unscsnip3r

    UNOFFICIAL GUIDES: how to be a good pistol cop

    Petition to add this to pistol cop training
  12. unscsnip3r

    Best admin

    All are absolute chads in their own way
  13. unscsnip3r


    Org full of absolute terminators- looking forward to seeing what ya'll pull off
  14. unscsnip3r

    Community Suggestion Crouch Fatigue Reversion

    If I want crouch spam in pvp, I'll play halo reach instead
  15. unscsnip3r

    Ben Goonsberg

    This man, quite possibly the greatest supervisor in plpd- Came to a supervisor request of mine and Hayden's in a mug attempt gone wrong, due to an officer assuming the identity of an npc as a drug dealer (it was, but ofc no real evidence) This absolute legend listened out to this insane...
  16. unscsnip3r

    Police Suggestion Assign yourself to the latest incident via shorcut

    How about all emergency services? Fire would love this too
  17. unscsnip3r

    Perpheads and Mental Health: A conversation

    I would say a part of it would be beyond perp- gmod in general these days can be an incredibly toxic game. While this doesnt effect all areas of the game, many communities get more and more toxic by the day which does kill interest for some
  18. unscsnip3r

    Server Suggestion Make the bank robbing area smaller.

    Im in 2 parts on this: 1. The leaving pd to be sniped sucks, but its a tactical need in some cases- backup being neutralised make work easier 2. The sheer overkill some people do with it to the extent of breaking 2.5 just because someone was driving by at the wrong time or shooting up pd folk...
  19. unscsnip3r


    100%. Harris is a right lad. Except that one time he drove me and satella on a joyride into a raid Seriously though, this man is an absolute pleasure to rp with eric best get double that money
  20. unscsnip3r

    New Garry's Mod Server IP:

    Noticed a couple glaring issue after the ip change - randomly voice would be incredibly laggy for some people in random times - By city hall was fps hell
  21. unscsnip3r

    Best tesco meal deal

    Pro tip- Sainsbury's, co-op and one stop are the same supplier for sarnies- both are currently cheaper
  22. unscsnip3r

    Best tesco meal deal

    Yeah the lil taster pots are in the snacks Though the best susi is in the premium main
  23. unscsnip3r

    Best tesco meal deal

    I'm a sucker for the deli meat feast, sushi and a pepsi
  24. unscsnip3r

    Update Log 30/07/2023

    Fall damage seems entirely random. Taking either no damage or up to insta blackscreening. Also dragging a body seems to occasionally do this.
  25. unscsnip3r

    Update Log 30/07/2023

    Ngl, the stamina and ragdoll changes are huge!
  26. unscsnip3r


    I swear some of ya'll are just perp john wick
  27. unscsnip3r

    Police Suggestion Assign SS to a callsign

    Sierra will be the best callsign for them imo- do like this
  28. unscsnip3r

    Valentine you the man

    Valentine Mvp, change my mind!
  29. unscsnip3r

    Police Suggestion Allow tazers for normal officers

    You are only ment to night stick until stunned in most cases- this will disarm and slow them.